




1.飞走 <低俗小说>经典桥段 You&nbsp… 远走高飞 Flying Away&n… 你的笑影 The shadow&nb… ...

3.飞走了 Catch 捕捉 Flying away 飞走了 Playing with bubbles 吹泡泡 ...

4.大将军 wangyanshi 弓长正文 flying away 大将军 Steve 雷 ...

5.蝴蝶飞 Birds Nest 鸟巢 Flying Away 蝴蝶飞.. My Lady Viole 亲爱.. ...

6.飘逝 ... 22 约 The Date 23 飘逝 Flying Away 24 淘淘日记 Taotao’s diary ...

7.飞翔吧唱起骊歌——“飞翔吧!”(Flying Away)分享: 分享到新浪Qing 喜欢 前一篇:如何为孩子疏解压力?


1.Grandpa and the children were happy to see the bird flying away into the sky.爷爷和孩子们都很高兴的看到小鸟飞向蓝天。

2.Hardly was the word spoken before he heard a whirring of wings over his head, looked up and saw seven coal-black ravens flying away.话音未落,他听见头顶上传来拍打翅膀的声音。他抬起头,看见七只乌黑乌黑的乌鸦正从头顶飞过。

3.Gradually sparks "flying" away, the sky suddenly darkened again, and just now some scenarios, just as Meng Ban echoed in my mind.渐渐的火花“飞”走了,天空又一下子变暗了,刚才那一番情景,就如同梦般在我的脑海里回荡。

4.And then we finally go into the streets, shout and throw some rocks, and the next thing we know he's on a hepcopter in panic, flying away.然后当我们终于上街,怒吼、扔了些石块,再后来我们知道的就是他在恐慌之中上了直升飞机,飞远了。

5.Today, more than 10, 000 days and nights in the wind also all the butterfpes flying away.而今,一万多个日日夜夜也随风中飘曳的凤蝶风筝统统散去。

6.Instead, they cram their planes to bursting, taking the view that every empty seat is a bundle of money flying away.反之,他们持有这样的观点,每一个空位都表示一大笔钱打了水漂,他们会把自己的飞机塞到爆满。

7.However, the mosquitoes in mountain or park are different. They go all out to approach your body dauntlessly, biting and flying away.可是在山区,在公园里的蚊子则不同了,牠们奋不顾身,毫无顾忌的往你身上飞去,叮了就走。

8.The cartoon film Up features an old man flying away by hundreds of hepum-filled balloons.动画电影《飞屋环游记》中讲述了老先生用上百个氦气球飞上天空的故事。

9.She gazed into the distance, the clouds in the sky flying away.她凝目远望,天边的云彩越飘越远了。

10.In this picture, a mother bird stays in her nest in a big tree, watching her babies flying away.在这幅图中,一个鸟妈妈呆在一棵大树的鸟巢里,观看她的鸟仔飞走。(北京)