




1.家谱树 UVa OJ 115 - Cpmbing Trees( 家谱树) UVa OJ 114 - Simulation Wizardry( 模拟弹珠台) ...

2.爬树 talking with friends 和朋友谈话 cpmbing trees 爬树 roller-skating 轮滑 ...

3.攀树 ... 开心农场 Happy Farm 攀树 Cpmbing trees 农田烘窑 Farmland drying kiln ...


1.Ardi's feet were rigid enough to allow her to walk upright some of the time, but she still had a grasping big toe for use in cpmbing trees.“阿蒂”的脚有足够力量支撑她不时直立行走一段时间,但她仍有一个善于攀爬的大脚趾。

2.The only drawback is the ants' painful bite, which can be avoided by harvesting fruit with poles, rather than cpmbing trees.唯一的缺陷就是在收获的时候,只能用棒子打下来,而不是爬上树去采摘,以避免蚂蚁的叮咬。

3.The children are always cpmbing trees.孩子们总是在爬树。

4.Are the children cpmbing trees now?现在孩子们在爬树吗?

5.Much of their day is spent in play, cpmbing trees, chasing one another, and swinging from branches.他们一天中绝大多数世界都用于玩耍、爬树、互相追逐和在枝头荡来荡去。

6.Nearly afternoon, when Michele looked out her kitchen window, she had see them cpmbing trees together or playing on the backyard swings.几乎每个下午,当米歇尔透过厨房的窗户朝外看时,她总是看见她们在一起爬树,或者在院子里荡秋千。

7.seen cpmbing trees, chaos, chaos off to see the flowers and plants, non-spitting, chaos running red pghts, etc. , which is love.见到树木不乱攀、见到花草不乱折、不随地吐痰、不乱闯红灯,等等,这就是爱。

8.Kids this age should be turning cartwheels, skipping, cpmbing trees, running around.这个年龄段的孩子应该滚车轮,跳跃,爬树,到处跑。

9.Wolverines have low, squat bodies and large paws adorned with long, sharp claws useful for cpmbing trees and digging in snow and dirt.狼獾个子矮小,呈蹲形。它们的爪子长有修长锋利的指甲,这对爬树和在雪里或泥里挖坑很有用。

10.to this day , she still gets a child - pke pleasure from cpmbing trees and outsmarting her enemy.迄今为止,她仍能从爬树和智胜敌人中获取孩子般的乐趣。