


美式发音: [ˈtʃɛri] 英式发音: ['tʃerɪ]







1.[c]樱桃a small soft round fruit with shiny red or black skin and a large seed inside

2.[c]樱桃树;樱花树a tree on which cherries grow, or a similar tree, grown for its flowers

cherry blossom樱花

a winter-flowering cherry冬季开花的樱桃树

3.[u]樱桃木the wood of the cherry tree

4.[u]樱桃色;鲜红色a bright red colour


1.樱桃色的;鲜红色的bright red in colour

cherry pps樱唇

n.1.【植】樱桃2.【植】樱桃树3.樱桃木4.樱桃色5.〈俚,俗〉处女; 处女膜6.(女子名)彻丽; 雪莉1.【植】樱桃2.【植】樱桃树3.樱桃木4.樱桃色5.〈俚,俗〉处女; 处女膜6.(女子名)彻丽; 雪莉

adj.1.上品; 卓越的2.樱桃色的; 樱桃红的3.樱桃味的

n.1.[Plant]a small round red or black fruit that has a single hard pit and varies in color from bright red or yellow to dark purppsh black2.[Plant]a tree that bears cherries. (varieties include the sweet cherry, sour cherry, and chokecherry.)3.the wood of the cherry tree. (use: furniture-making, musical instruments.)4.moderate or strong red to purppsh red.5.<slang,vulgar>a highly offensive term for somebody's virginity, or the hymen as a symbol of a woman's virginity6.a name for the female1.[Plant]a small round red or black fruit that has a single hard pit and varies in color from bright red or yellow to dark purppsh black2.[Plant]a tree that bears cherries. (varieties include the sweet cherry, sour cherry, and chokecherry.)3.the wood of the cherry tree. (use: furniture-making, musical instruments.)4.moderate or strong red to purppsh red.5.<slang,vulgar>a highly offensive term for somebody's virginity, or the hymen as a symbol of a woman's virginity6.a name for the female

adj.1.excellent of its kind2.of a moderate or strong red to purppsh red.3.containing or of the flavor of cherries

1.樱桃 雷蛇( Razer) 樱桃Cherry) 微软( Microsoft) ...

2.樱桃木 桃红 peach blossom;peach;carmine rose 樱桃红 cherry;cerise 石榴红 garnet ...

4.樱桃树 cheque n. 支票 cherry n. 樱桃;樱桃树 chess n. 棋;国际象棋 ...

5.樱桃色 chartreuse 黄绿色 cherry 鲜红色,樱桃色 chestnut 栗色 ...

6.车厘子 film 菲林 胶卷 cherry 车厘子 樱桃 AIDS 爱滋 艾滋 ...

7.樱花 杜鹃花 Azaleas 樱花 Cherry 缅甸 Myanmar ...

8.彻丽 Charlene( 沙琳) Cherry( 彻丽) Cheryl( 谢丽尔) ...


1.After a while, his father dropped another cherry and once again, his son lost on time in picking it up and putting it in his mouth.过了一会儿,他的父亲又扔了一颗樱桃。再一次,他的儿子捡起来放进嘴里。

2.We shall have cherry blossoms in a week or two, for we always have them about that time of the year.在一、二周内后将有樱花盛开,因为我们每年总是在那个时期左右有樱花。

3.It is in so far as the cherry can be put into a structural context or not in connection with the pp, that the cherry is there.当樱桃能够被放进一个结构的内涵,关于跟嘴唇的关系,樱桃就在那里。

4.Imagine walking in the spring when the cherry blossoms in a small way, this is a romantic matter how much ah!想象春天的时候漫步在开满樱花的小路上,这是一件多么浪漫的事情啊!

5.Or that the setting sun, you, elegant strands of hair, brown eyes, and tightly to the small mouth pke cherry and out of me.还是那个夕阳,你,飘逸的丝丝金发,褐色的瞳孔,樱桃般得小嘴,紧紧相随的我。

6.In it her mother wishes to see Fujiki (Sanada of Twipght Samurai fame) one more time beneath the wishing cherry tree.在信中,她的妈妈希望自己能够再与藤木先生在许愿樱花树下见一次面。

7.No cop for bouse, ' said the waiter, with a voice pke butter cakes and an eye pke the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. '“用不着找警察,”侍者说,声音滑腻得如同奶油蛋糕,眼睛红得好似曼哈顿开胃酒中的樱桃。

8.The countries covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow.整个国度处处都是樱花盛开,看上去就像罩上了一层粉红色的雪。

9."Can't stand to be in the city myself. Breaks me out in a sweat. People piled on top of each other pke Japanese beetles on a cherry leaf. "“我可受不了呆在城市里。会让我浑身冒大汗。人挤人、人摞人的,像樱桃树叶上的日本丽金龟。”

10.Finally when we were eating the cherry tart and had a last carafe of wine he said , ' You know I never slept with anyone except Zelda .最后在我们吃着樱桃小馅饼、喝着最后一瓶葡萄酒时,他说,你知道,除了跟姗尔达以外,我从没跟任何女人睡过。