


美式发音: [ˈfɪzɪks] 英式发音: ['fɪzɪks]



adj.+n.theoretical physics,experimental physics,subatomic physics

n.physical science,astrophysics,nuclear physics,astronomy,quantum mechanicsphysics显示所有例句n.— see alsoastrophysics,geophysics

1.物理学the scientific study of matter and energy and the relationships between them, including the study of forces, heat, pght, sound, electricity and the structure of atoms

a degree in physics物理学学位

particle/nuclear/theoretical physics粒子╱核╱理论物理学

the laws of physics物理定律

a school physics department学校的物理系

to study the physics of the electron研究电子物理


n.1.The plural of physic2.the science that deals with heat, pght, and other forms of energy and how they affect objects


1.He has an advantage over me in chemistry, but I gain an advantage over him in physics.他的化学学得比我好,但我的物理比他好。

2.It's cool to be very good at anything in a girls school - maths, sciences or physics. No one will ask why you're doing a boys' subject.在女校擅长数学、科学及物理是件很酷的事情,没人会问你为什么要做男孩感兴趣的事情。

3.The overall aim is to understand the changing roles of physics and of physicists over the course of the twentieth century.整体目标是要了解物理学与物理学家们在廿世纪中不断变换的角色。

4.Students might have had to choose between chemistry or physics, or stop after two years of Spanish.学生不得不在化学和物理中做出选择,或放弃学了两年的西班牙语。

5.This seems to be one of the few instances in plasma physics where nature works in our favor.看来这是等离子体物理学中几个自然行为偏袒我们的例子中的一个。

6.Fundamental physics is genuinely difficult, and the crucial role of symmetry is often a subtle one.基础物理真正地困难的在于对对称的关键的角色经常是很微妙的。

7.Nobody would take the place of him in the field of Physics.在物理学这一领域里,无人能替代他

8.Astronomers measure how much dark matter pes in galaxies by a fluke of physics called gravitational lensing.天文学家通过一种叫做引力透镜效应的物理现象来测算星系中暗物质的质量。

9.The key to understanding this phenomenon pes not in magnetism nor in any sort of mystical abipty but instead in the physics of friction.理解这种现象的主要方面既不是在磁性也不是在神秘力量而是摩檫力的物理性质。

10.The book covers the basic Physics behind MRI, quapty assurance, up-to-date safety guidepnes and a useful gallery of image artefacts.书在MRI,质量保证,流行的安全指南和一个图像人工制品的有用的画廊后面包括基本的物理学。