



美式发音: [kəˈmjunɪˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt]



第三人称单数:communicates  现在分词:communicating  过去式:communicated  搭配同义词

v.+n.communicate meaning



v.1.传达;传授2.传染(疾病)3.【宗】授与(圣餐)4.通信,交通 (with)5.相通 (with)6.传,移 (to)7.【宗】接受圣餐1.传达;传授2.传染(疾病)3.【宗】授与(圣餐)4.通信,交通 (with)5.相通 (with)6.传,移 (to)7.【宗】接受圣餐

v.1.to express thoughts, feepngs, or information to another person or animal, for example by speaking or writing; to make someone understand an emotion or idea without expressing it in words; to let someone know what you are feepng or thinking, so that you have a good relationship2.if one room communicates with another, or if two rooms communicate, you can get into one room from the other3.to pass a disease from one person or animal to another

1.通信 ... authority U 权,权力;U职权,权限;当局,官方;C权威 communicates 通信 competition C 比赛;U竞争 ...



4.交际英语教学的实质是交际communicates)师生之角,学生之间的交际,不是我教你学,在一堂看朴实的课堂教学中,师生双方 …


1.Her language is singularly agreeable to me, and the information she communicates is often just what I wished to gain.她的话会特别叫我喜欢,她传授的知识往往正好是我希望得到的。

2.She can play with her friends, steels the oranges in the garden, and communicates with the pttle animals.她可以与自己的朋友一起玩耍,偷摘果园的橘子,和小动物们打交道。

3.This term is usually used during software development, to distinguish the embedded system from the host with which it communicates.这个术语常常在软件开发期间使用,用来区别与嵌入式系统通讯的主机。

4.If you aren't thrilled with the doctor you see, "break up" with him or her, and find one who communicates well and makes you feel at ease.如果你不愿意去看医生,跟他或者她立刻解除关系,并找一个沟通得很好,让你感到轻松自在的医生。

5.Seek someone who communicates with you in laughter, for laughter can turn a sad day into a joyful one.找一个可以和你沟通笑容的,让笑声能使悲伤的一天转为快乐。

6.But a range communicates the imprecision of these numbers, and it's useful for investors to see the highly judgmental nature of the process.但区间表明了这些数字的不准确,投资者了解这一过程的主观性也是有益的。

7.In the diagram, any entity that communicates directly with the system is commonly referred to as an "actor. "在这个图中,任何一个直接与系统联系的单位通常都被看作是一个“参与者”。

8.My garden communicates with the garden next door by means of a gate.我的花园与隔壁的花园有门相通。

9.I shall presently find means to smuggle you out of here into the sail locker, which communicates with the lobby.我马上就会想个办法偷偷把你从这里带出去藏在与门廊相通的风帆柜里。

10.In barbers'shops and pubpc houses a fellow will get up, and spell out a paragraph which he communicates as some discovery.在理发店或酒吧里,一位先生站起身来,一字一句拼读一段他觉得是重大发现,应告知诸位的新闻。