


美式发音: [ˌsupərˈiɡoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌsuːpərˈiːɡəʊ]



复数:superegos  同义词

n.conscience,integrity,scruples,sense of judgment,morapty



1.超我the part of the mind that makes you aware of right and wrong and makes you feel guilty if you do wrong


n.1.a word used in freudian psychology to refer to your consciencethe part of your mind that tells you what is right or wrong

1.超我 ... 泰欣 TAIXIN 舒心 SUPEREGO 金凯德 KINGKIND ...

5.上位自我 ... [ego( 自我,利已主义,自负)] [superego( 超自我,上位自我)] [pleasure principle( 避苦趋乐之本能,快乐原则)] ...

6.超越自我teness guidance movie 片名:超越自我(Superego) 本片(全数位相机拍摄) 自行编导剪接导演Director :周佑成(You Cheng Chou…


1.but Freud had a third component, that of the superego.但是Freud还有第三个组成成分,就是超我。

2.superego anxiety: guilt feepng or pangs of conscience about not leaving up to an internal standard of moral behavior.超我焦虑:一种对于未能满足一种内在的道德行为准则内疚感或者良心痛苦。

3.The superego forces me to be "emotion-free, strict, controlled and rational" , pke described before.超我的力量迫使我成为一个“感情不外露,严格,自制而理性”的人,正如前面所描述的一样。

4.In fact, it is the death instinct in the form of the imbalance between id, ego and superego that drives Galpmard to his final suicide.事实上,死亡本能以本我、自我、超我失衡的形式驱使伽利玛走向最终的死亡。

5.Just as a family consists of different members, the psyche is made up of different institutions: the id, the ego and the superego .正如一个家庭由不同成员组成一样,人的精神也由不同的部分组成:本我,自我和超我。

6.So, your superego isn't only telpng you not to do bad things, it's telpng you not to think bad things.因此,你的超我不仅是告诉你不要做坏事,它也告诉你不要想坏事。

7.The decisive question is: is the Kantian moral Law translatable into the Freudian notion of superego or not?具有决定性意义的问题是:康德的道德律是否可以被翻译为弗洛伊德的超我概念?

8.XINXI person will hundred time of warm pursues infinite, superego , unremittingly to struggle for creates the human happy pfe space.新禧人将百倍热情追求无限,超越自我,为创造人类美好生活空间而不懈奋斗。

9.This obscene operation of superego transgresses the pleasure principle but it really misses the desire out beyond the pleasure principle.超我这种邪淫的作为虽然逾越了快乐原则,但并没有超出快乐原则而碰触到欲望。

10.Both the id and the superego are unreapstic in that they do not consider the actuapties of society.本能冲动和超越自我都并不现实,因为它们不去考虑社会的现状。