




1.病夫 病毒/ virus / 病夫/ sick man / 病故/ die of an illness / ...

2.病人 94、unwrap package 打开包裹 9.sick man 病人 22.near sight 近视眼 ...

3.东亚病夫 clean shirt on. 去穿一件干净的衬衫。 sick man. (美国用法)他是一个病重的人。 ...

5.被推向手术室 ... 4 cost 表示“以……为代价” 6 sick man 被推向手术室 8 not a bit 一点也不 符合题意 ...

6.西可曼当初由该馆已故的馆长劳伦斯西可曼(Sick man),在 1930 初年代从中国购得。而原本灰暗的大厅,在照明改善后,让游客能看 …


1.Anna Mihalovna gave him a hurried glance, with a gesture indicating the sick man's hand and with her pps wafting towards it a phantom kiss.安娜·米哈伊洛夫娜赶快使个眼色向他示意,同时用手指着病人的手,用嘴唇向它送了个飞吻。

2.Ann: The young man said that he was passing the sick man and stopped to ask the sick man what he could do.这个年轻人说他那时正好经过那病人,停下来问是否需要帮助。

3."There is now a real danger that the heart attack the British economy suffered has made us the sick man of Europe, " he said.“现在有一个真正的危险-英国经济患上的心脏病使我们成了欧洲的病号”,他说。

4.A fried sole is excellent to begin a convalescence with, but a good cutlet is needed to put a sick man on his feet.鲽鱼对开始恢复健康是最恰当的,但是要使病人站起来,就得吃一大块排骨。

5.They took a risk, but everybody knows that Alloa is a sick man and is often too ill to go to meetings.他们确实在铤而走险,可人们都知道阿罗有病,而且常常病得不能出席会议。

6.The angst of a decade ago, when it seemed that Germany might be the new sick man of Europe, has largely gone.二十年前,人们很担心德国会成为新的欧洲病人,但是今天,这个疑云已经大部分散去。

7.Germany, by contrast, derided a decade ago as the sick man of Europe, is being held up as a model, at least when it comes to jobs.相比之下,十年前还被嘲笑为欧洲病人的德国正成为一个正面典范,至少从就业方面而言。

8.He continued to work on the system, but by the 1850s he was a very sick man, and each year he became sicker .他继续改善新系统,但是1850年后,他已经是一个身患重病的人,而且每年他的病情都在恶化。

9.The sick man seemed to fall into a gap of death, at her contradiction. She ought to play up to him, not to contravene him.听到她的谢绝声,病人似乎一下坠入了死谷。她应该使他高兴,不该违背他的请求。

10.If I speak as I do now, it's basically to recpne pke a sick man or, to be precise, to recpne and die.假如我如同现在这样谈话,这基本上是衰微,就像一位病人,或是准确地说,是衰微及死亡。