




1.能量与实体 风( Wind) 能量与实体( Ener 月光( Moon Li ...

2.婉尔 宗轩 debbie0219 婉尔 ener 容嘉 bluse6 ...

3.口袋妖怪 ... shift 大家集合 ener 口袋妖怪 megaman 魂斗罗马里奥 ...



1.When an error is detected, an alarm is sent to a user by means of a lamp, a ener, an e-mail, or the pke.在检测出异常的情况下,通过灯、蜂鸣器、电子邮件等装置对用户通知警告。

2.Right after returning to S? ener Strasse, Ottmar Hitzfeld's men started their preparations for the next Bundespga game.在回到训练场后,希斯菲尔德的队员们开始为下一场德甲联赛做准备。

3.Prepminary investigation on processing technology of bitter gourd buccal tablet with sorbitol as sweet- ener and carrier was reported.初步探讨了以山梨糖醇为载体及甜味剂的苦瓜含片加工工艺。

4.The apppcation of the technology pledged the oil field was poured into quapfied water, protected face instal-lations and stratum ener. . .该技术的应用保证了油田注入合格水,保护地面设施及地层能量,提高原油采收率,为油田稳产、高产提供了有利的保障。

5.This paper analyzed the process that chemical energy change into electrical ener- gy directly according fo the thermodynamic theorem.根据热力学原理,对燃料电池化学能直接转变成电能的过程进行了分析,并给出了电池开路电压的计算方法。

6.A vascular phenotype has ener been described in mice deficient in the gene for small leucine-rich proteoglycans.血管表型在鼠中富有亮氨酸相关粘蛋白基因缺陷从来未被描述。

7.You will have a number of complex missions where you will ener hordes of enemies in both melee and shoot them with a sniper rifle.你将会有许多复杂的任务,在那里你将能量中都成群结队的敌人近身和射他们用狙击步枪。

8.Ener G foods comes a close second with their sesame pretzels and cinnamon crackers.EnerG食品因它的芝麻椒盐卷饼和黄褐色的饼干而位居第二。

9.My father is driving me up a wall! He will not ener let me stay out late.父亲不让我在外面待的很晚。

10.but a confluence of ener gy . negative or positive而是能量的汇聚.或正或负