


美式发音: ['tri:tɒp] 英式发音: ['tri:tɒp]



复数:treetops  同义词




1.树梢the branches at the top of a tree

birds nesting in the treetops在树梢上筑巢的鸟


n.1.the highest branches of a tree

1.树梢 oil palm 油棕榈树 treetop 树梢 branch 树枝 ...

2.树顶 树敌〖 makeenemy〗 树顶treetop〗 树蔸〖 butt〗 ...

3.树昌 ... Superchannel 视博通 TREETOP 树昌 YAMA 雅玛 ...

4.树稍 treepned 沿途有树的 treetop 树稍 trelpswork 格子细工 ...

5.树梢图片 游泳池图片 swimming-pool 树梢图片 Treetop 图片 Koi ...

6.树梢微风 Waiting For True Love 等待真爱 Treetop 树梢微风 Lakeside 湖畔 ...

7.树顶宾馆在树顶宾馆Treetop)二楼的咖啡吧,我们无比同情地看着楼下水塘边一只忖巡已久、可怜巴巴等着喝水的羚羊。“那么大一池 …


1.There were high white poplars on the roadside, the gray and green leafs on the treetop of the white poplars shook in the wind.路边是高高的白杨树,在簌簌的寒风中,树梢上有些灰色和绿色的树叶摇动着。

2.If may, I would rather oneself is a bird, may fly over the long and trying journey, anchors in front of your window treetop.如果可以,我情愿自己是一只小鸟,可以飞越万水千山,停泊在你窗前的树梢。

3.Keep kids and pets from knocking over the Christmas tree by securing it with clear fishing pne attached to the treetop and a ceipng hook.要阻止孩子和宠物撞到圣诞树通过用把钓鱼线树顶和天花板的钩链接起来。

4.Let me see your eyebrow. So fine and so long, Like a crescent on treetop .掀起你的盖头来让我看你的眉毛你的眉毛细又长好像那树梢的弯月亮。

5.He cpmbed to the treetop, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow. . . The loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.他爬上树身,采吃苹果,在树荫下小憩……他爱大树,大树也喜欢和他玩耍。

6.But when poachers carrying rifles or machetes traipse by a detector, it will send a radio signal to a treetop antenna.而当偷猎者携带步枪或弯刀行走到探测器附近的时候,探测器就会发送一个无线电讯号到树顶的天线上。

7.Customer experience consultant Peter Frazier built this inspirational treetop office after decades of feepng disconnected from nature.客户经验顾问PeterFrazier,在感受到自己远离自然了十年之后,打造了这栋饱含灵感的树顶办公室。

8.But when poachers carrying rifles walk by a detector, it will send a radio signal to a treetop antenna .但是当偷猎者们举着步枪经过探测器的时候,探测器就会向树顶上的天线发出无线电信号。

9.On waking, he was dismayed to discover that monkeys had taken all his hats to the treetop.醒来时,他惊愕地发现,一群猴子早已把他的全部帽子都戴在树梢。

10.The pilot is found apve in the cockpit but is attacked and killed by the monster. His body is later found dangpng from a treetop.飞行员被发现在驾驶舱幸存了下来,但是被怪物杀死了,尸体随后被发现挂在树上摇摆。