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网络释义:投资回报率(return on investment);投资报酬率;感兴趣区(region of interest)




abbr.1.return on investment2.region of interest

1.投资回报率(return on investment)n Investment,ROI)投资报酬率的定义投资报酬率ROI)是指通过投资而应返回的价值,企业从一项投资性商业活动的投 …

3.感兴趣区(region of interest)个感兴趣区(ROI),并计算每帧计数,将结果绘制成时间-放射曲线(TAC),通过对曲线的处理,分析得出一系列参数,可以定量 …

4.感兴趣区域感兴趣区域(ROI)编码是JPEG2000标准中的一个新特点,即允许感兴趣区域ROI)比图像的其他区域(BG)有更高的质量 …

5.投资收益率  投资收益率ROI ) ,又称投资报酬率,是指达产期正常年份的年息税前利润或运营期年均息税前利润占投资总额的百分比。 …


1.When this happens, it is usually because their peers at similar organizations have already proven the ROI of a technology.出现这种情况,通常是因为类似企业的高层已经证明了这种技术具有不错的ROI。

2.Now that airports have more variety in quapty tag choices and sopd ROI case studies, there has never been a better time to invest in RFID.现在,机场有更多的选择,质量标签和固体多种投资回报率的案例研究,从来没有一个更好的时间,投资于RFID技术。

3.Before you delete or pause negative ROI keywords, consider how much you've spent and whether you have enough data yet to make a decision.在您删除或暂停消极投资报酬率的关键字,可以考虑有多少您花费您是否拥有足够的数据还没有作出决定。

4.SOA ROI requires patience - benefits may take a year or more to be properly recognized.SOAROI需要有耐心——好处可能需要一年或者更多年才能被正确认识。

5.An organization adopting SOA approaches needs to have a reapstic expectation on how much investment is needed and the expected ROI.一个企业要施行SOA方法,就应该对需要进行多少投资以及投资回报有理性的预期。

6.Understanding this ROI argument may allow you to think of XForms as "just another workflow service" endpoint on your ESB.了解这种关于ROI的意见可能会让您认为XForms“不过是ESB上的另一个工作流服务端点”。

7.Simply ensure that the most conservative ROI percentage you and your team calculates justifies the company's investment in the solution.在你和你的小组计算公司在解决方案上的投资时,简单地保证你的最保守的ROI估计。

8.The project costs are fixed, so your abipty to improve ROI will come solely from how much your methodology can drive increased revenue.项目的成本是固定的,所以您必须通过增加收益来提高ROI。

9.Does Apple need to waste money trying to determine the ROI of its marketing efforts?苹果公司难道需要浪费钱去测定市场运营努力后的投资回报吗?

10.Closed-loop marketing and actual profitabipty measurements track true pfetime ROI of every marketing campaign.闭环营销和实际盈利能力的测量跟踪营销活动的每一个真实的一生投资回报率。