




1.没道理 ... make sense of 搞清…的意思 no sense 不必;没道理 in the sense of 从…意 …

2.没有意义 ... make sense of 搞清…的意思 no sense 不必;没道理 in the sense of 从…意 …

4.没有道理卑诗省运输厅长李士松(Blair Lekstrom)则指运联能开罚单,却无法追罚款一事「没有道理」(no sense),他表示会尽快研究,找 …

5.无断定无断定(NO SENSE)表示对选定的逻辑部件没有特定的断定铤信息报告·这是成功命令或因文卷标、EOM或ILl位三者之一被置为“…


1.Maybe the boy is only professional for a year, maybe was an amateur and has no sense of responsibipty.也许这个孩子成为职业球员才一年,也许还是一个业余的,他对于责任没有判断力。

2.This makes no sense, and is at the heart of controversy, and eventual discovery of something astronomy is starting to see.这说不通啊,而这正是谜题的核心,而且某种事物的最终发现正在开始。

3.Mr. Lin could make no sense out of this at all. His worry increased and he dropped Lu to accost Wang, the next person who came along.林先生不得要领,心里更急,丢开陆和尚,就去问第二个走近来的人,桥头的王三毛。

4.It makes no sense, unless you think back to that Kentucky-L. S. U. game and to Lawrence's long march across the desert to Aqaba.除非你回想到肯塔基对路易斯安那的比赛,或者Lawrence穿越沙漠对Aqaba的远征,否则你会觉得这番言论毫无道理。

5.It makes no sense for a man of Dr Xiao's stature to hire some fools to punch Mr Fang and then return to China sometime later to be arrested.若说像肖先生这样地位的人会雇佣一帮白痴锤击方先生然后再主动回去束手就擒,这实在是太不合常理了。

6.The quapty of the company philosophy: do not need no sense of the quapty of the staff, do not need no quapty assurance providers.公司的品质理念:不需要没有品质意识的员工,不需要没有品质保证的供应商。

7.And his dream lover - Daisy is just a vulgar superficiapty and hedonism, there is no sense of moral responsibipty of the woman.而他梦寐以求的情人——黛西只是个庸俗肤浅、贪图享受、毫无道德责任感的女人。

8.He should be okay in about a week. It's not serious but there's no sense to keep him here being unable to train or play.“他应该可以在一个星期左右恢复,它的情况并不严重,但的让他在这里无法训练或参加比赛没有意义”。

9.A modern Visigoth is interested only in his own affairs and has no sense of the meaning of community.现代的西哥特人只关心自己的事,根本不知道团体的含义。

10.I've never been quizzed by a panel with questions that make no sense: "If you were a car, what car would you be? "我从来没有被哪个小组问过这种无聊的问题:“假设你是一辆车,你希望是什么车?”