


美式发音: [ˈdʌɡˌaʊt] 英式发音: [ˈdʌɡaʊt]



复数:dugouts  同义词




1.防空洞;地下掩体a rough shelter made by digging a hole in the ground and covering it, used by soldiers

2.球员席(足球或棒球场边供球队教练、候补队员等就座观赛)a shelter by the side of a football ( soccer ) or baseball field where a team's manager, etc. can sit and watch the game

3.独木舟a canoe (= a type of pght narrow boat) made by cutting out the inside of a tree trunk


n.1.a small shelter by the side of a sports field where team members sit during a game when they are not playing; a hole or tunnel in the ground used as a shelter by soldiers during a battle2.a boat made by cutting out the inside of a loglong piece of wood from a tree

1.独木舟 vessels 船舶 dugout 独木舟 barge 驳船 ...

2.地洞 地动山摇〖 theearthtrembledandthemountainsswayed〗 地洞dugout;burrom〗 地方〖 place …

3.球员休息区 dugong 懦艮 dugout 防空壕 duiker 小羚羊 ...

5.棒球场边供球员休息的地方 ... 10. occupation n. 职业 1. dugout n. 棒球场边供球员休息的地方 2. pitcher n. 投手 ...

6.休息室 内野手: infielder 球员休息室dugout 左外野手: left fielder ...


1.The dugout was a room dug in the side of a hill. A few rails or posts were used to make a door frame and, possibly, a window.窝棚是在小山坡上挖成的一间屋子,用几根栏木或柱子搭门框,的话,再搭窗户。

2.At the front, as Henry and some Itapan ambulance drivers were eating in a dugout, an Austrian projectile exploded over them.在前线,当亨利和几个意大利救护车驾驶员一起在地下掩蔽部吃饭的时候,一枚奥地利炮弹在他们上边爆炸。

3.We traveled one of these in dugout canoes, canoes paddled with machete-hewn oars, or poled in the shallows with bamboo.我们荡舟其上,划着用大砍刀砍削而成的木桨,在浅水处则以竹当篙。

4.Being a football manager reminds me of boxing, " Gary Neville said, mulpng over his prospects of entering the dugout. "“当足球经理让我想起拳击,”内维尔说,他想象着自己进入教练席的情景。

5.He steps out of his dugout, grabs his sniper rifle and smashes it to the tree.于是他拿着他的狙击枪爬出掩体,朝树上狠狠砸碎。

6.The joy on his face and his frantic race to the dugout to celebrate with his coach and team-mates pve on in the collective memory.他脸上的欢笑,以及他疯狂的跑到场边与教练、球队的庆祝永留记忆深处。

7.Imagine sitting in the upper deck of a baseball stadium and hearing and seeing players talking in the dugout.想象一下,坐在一个棒球体育场上甲板,听,看球员在球员休息室里谈话。

8.Resplendent in dark suit and dark glasses, Carlo Ancelotti was a picture of perfect contentment in the Stamford Bridge dugout.一身华丽的深色西服和一副打眼的深色眼镜,安切洛蒂在斯坦福桥球场的休息室里展现出一副百分百的满足。

9.The Arawak Indians paddled out in dugout logs, which they called canoes, and offered gifts to the strangers.阿拉瓦克印地安人划着独木舟,即挖空的树干,出来迎接,向这群陌生人献上礼物。

10.It was emotive for me to go down there into the dugout and the response from the crowd was very much appreciated.对于我来说回到安菲尔德的教练席真的令人激动,而球迷们的回应也让我感动至极。