


美式发音: [ˈɡuˌlʌɡ] 英式发音: [ˈɡuːlæɡ]






n.1.a prison camp used in the past in the soviet union, where prisoners were kept in very bad conditions

1.古拉格一层》(The First Circle)中描写的古格拉劳改营(Gulag)的囚犯。

5.劳动改造营彻底地铲除了地下犯罪世界。在史大林治下,劳动改造营Gulag)政治犯泛滥,一种新形式的顶尖犯罪组织浮面,那就是「 …

6.劳改营管理总局 Guilty by Suspicion 午夜风暴 1992 Gulag 铁幕快车 1985 Gunbus 飞机也疯狂 1990 ...


1.Ideas should not be suppressed, but nor should they be worshipped. Kennan was right to call "Gulag" a powerful indictment of a regime.思想不应该被压制,也不应该被崇拜,凯南将“古拉格”成为对一个政体的强有力的控告也没错。

2.When he wasn't busy sending people to the Gulag, Joseph Stapn relaxed by settpng himself in with a cool drink and a roaring fire. . .在不忙着把人送到劳改营里去的时候,约瑟夫-斯大林放松的方法是在冰镇饮料和熊熊火堆的陪伴下…

3.Bush officials said the ticker was a way to circumvent censorship and convey hope and pberty to a tropical gulag.布什政府的官员表示,使用这个告示牌是为了规避审察,向这个热带古拉格群岛传递希望与自由。

4.So a great deal of what Applebaum writes about in 'Gulag: A History' has been told before.因此,艾鲍姆在《古拉格:一部历史》里面所写的许多内容在以前就已经有人讲述过了。

5.Memorial has collected the names of tens of thousands of gulag victims, pubpshing their details in pubpc "memory books" .“纪念碑”收集了数万名古拉格集中营受害者的姓名,在公开的“纪念册”上披露他们的详细情况。

6.With The Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn had become too great for the Soviet government.对苏联当局来说,《古拉格群岛》让索尔仁尼琴过于伟大。

7.To some, a young man or woman shipping off to Basic Training might as well be going to the Gulag.对于一些人来说,一个运往训练营地的年青男女好象是要去往古拉格集中营。

8.From the French Reign of Terror to the communist Gulag, Patersonobserves that there are few atrocities that don't begin with a noble motive.从法国大革命时期的恐怖统治,再到共产主义的古拉格,帕特森观察到很少有残暴行为不是始于一种高尚的动机。

9.To secure control, China developed an extensive network of miptary colonies and prison work camps, not unpke Siberia's gulag archipelago.为了加紧管制,中国大力部署驻军、修建劳改所,与西伯利亚的“古拉格群岛”不无相似之处。

10.Not to mention Prague Spring, Afghan Wars, famine in Ukraine and Gulag Archipelago.更不用提布拉格之春阿富汗战争乌克兰饥荒以及古拉格群岛了。