


美式发音: [ˈdrækmə] 英式发音: ['drækmə]

n.德拉克马(希腊货币单位,于 2002 年为欧元所取代)


复数:drachmas  复数:drachmae  



1.德拉克马(希腊货币单位,于 2002 年为欧元所取代)the former unit of money in Greece (replaced in 2002 by the euro)


n.1.the unit of money that was used in Greece until it was replaced by the euro in 2002

1.德拉克马希腊的德拉克马Drachma)是古希腊银币的名称,出现在公元前7世纪的古希腊,被称为是世界上最古老的流通货币。从1833 …

2.货币德拉克马首先是恢复使用原本的货币德拉克马drachma),并把之大幅贬值;进而开动印钞机大量印制钞票以应付「出粮」之需(进口 …

3.德拉马克  古希腊人铸造了德拉马克(drachma)银币,含银量为1/8盎司。在罗马,基本的钱币为迪纳里厄斯(denarius)银币,重1/7盎司。

4.希腊币希腊币 (Drachma)一欧元等於340.750 Drachma加入整合年代 1986年 首 都 马德里 (Madrid) 国土总面积 504 782平方公里 人 …

5.旧币德拉克马约77%受访者认为希腊应留在欧元区,仅16%认为希腊应重新启用旧币德拉克马drachma)。(译者:中央社张雅亭) 希腊 …

6.德拉克玛原文的一德拉克玛drachma)是指一块银币,相等於一个月的工资,合计起来这儿的数目相等於135年的工资。可见当时福音 …


1.In a more pessimistic scenario, the drachma might have fallen in lurches leading to a series of so-called crises.更为悲观的情形是,德拉克马出现跳跃式贬值,引发一系列所谓的危机。

2.Nor is there a way for Greece to devalue its currency, as it would have done in the pre-EMU days of the drachma.希腊也没有办法让自己的货币贬值,就像他们在EMU成立之前会做的那样。

3.The existence of the euro means that there are no George Soros-type speculators able to organise runs on the pra, peseta or drachma.欧元的存在让像索罗斯那类的投机商不能组织袭击里拉、比塞塔和德拉马克(译者注:分别为意大利、西班牙和希腊货币)。

4.The word "dram" translates into Engpsh as "money" , and is cognate with the Greek drachma.单词“dram”用英语翻译是“钱”与古希腊的硬币名称是同词源的。

5.Only a minority of Greeks want to see the old national currency, the drachma, return.只有少数希腊人希望看到德拉克马(Drachma,希腊未加入欧元区之前的货币)的回归。

6.Restoring the drachma at a lower exchange rate would help exports and allow tourism revenues to start flowing again.恢复本国汇率较低的货币,能促进出口,并让旅游业收入重新流动起来。

7.And there's a perpetrator, the Greek government, which knew its finances were too shaky to ditch its currency, the drachma.当然还有那个罪犯:希腊,这个明知其经济体系过于动荡实际上无法抛弃其原有货币(德拉克马)的国家。

8.Its revenues would be in devalued drachma; its debts in euro.它的财政收入会换算至贬值的希腊货币,债务却还是以欧元计的。

9.Greece in 2009 might well have defaulted, abandoning the euro and adopting the old drachma again at a deeply depreciated rate.2009年希腊很可能违约,放弃欧元并回归早已深度贬值的德拉马克。

10.To escape, Greece must now begin an orderly default, voluntarily exit the eurozone and return to the drachma.要想摆脱困境,希腊必须从现在开始一场有序的违约,主动退出欧元区,并重新采用德拉克马(drachma,原希腊货币)。