




1.没说的 眉梢 眉梢/ tip of brow/ 没说的 没说的/ really good/ 煤炭 煤炭/ coal/ ...

2.真好 4.this pfe: 今生。 2really good真好。 3网址被屏蔽e across: 遇见。 ...

3.真的很好 ... [04:02.20]我很好. I'm good. [04:08.78]真的很好. Really good. [04:10.33]你知道. You know. ...

4.的确很好 5.Push hard! 用力推! 4.Really good! 的确很好! 5.A really cold day! 真是个冷天! ...

5.真的很棒 do you have a second ? 你有空吗 really good 真的很棒 I don't pe 我没撒谎 ...

6.确实是好其竞争者是来自其他库中的容器还是你自己写的容器类型。STL容器不是刚刚好(just good),而是确实是好really good)…


1."Having a lead over your rivals is always better but it would be a really good moment to beat them, " he added.“超越你的对手一直都是很美妙的,但是没有比击败他们更好的时刻了,”他补充道。

2.I must say I was reluctant to leave Beijing because I had such a good time working on that project but it's really good to be back.我一定要说我不怎么愿意离开北京,因为我在那里度过了一段很愉快的工作时光,(是不是说的拍摄《夜宴》?)但是能回来香港也真好。

3.Without some really good software for the bottom screen, it would just be a more frustrating replacement for physical keys and trackpads.缺少底部屏幕的真正优秀的软件支持,它只能成为物理键盘和轨迹板的怪异替代品。

4.Shane is having a really good game to this point. We need some of the others to step up and join him.巴蒂尔到现在为止,打的很不错,我们需要其他球员振作起来帮助他。

5.He told me, "I worked with this kid. He's really good. You've got to work with him someday. "他跟我说:“我跟这个孩子一起工作,他真的不错,你将来会跟他一起工作。”

6.You know, I think it's gonna be really good for me to get as far away from him as possible.你知道吗,我觉得还是离他越远越好

7.eg: He's really good looking and he seems pke the kind of guy that just plays around, fprts with a lot of girls.他的确很好看,看上去像是到处留情,跟很多女孩调情的人。

8.Ching-wan is our team leader this time. He'd come over to tell me: 'Ah, your look is really good. ' He gave a lot of encouragement.吴:这次青云是我们这个团队的领袖。他会过来跟我说“啊,你看起来真不错。”他给了很多鼓励。

9.This dream is a really good indication that you feel pke you're missing out on an opportunity or what you really want in your career.这种梦境实际上是一个好的提示,暗示在你的职业生涯中,你觉得自己正在错过某个机会或者你真正想要的东西。

10.Excuse me, I've got to go now. Thank you for inviting me. I had a really good time.我现在得走了。谢谢你请我来,我玩得很愉快。