




1.会不会 2. 微凉的你/ September 3. 会不会/ Will You 4. 情歌/ Love Song ...

2.好不好 Are you sure? 你们确定吗? Will you? 你会吗? Me? 我? ...

4.好吗 ... 我的新房子 My new house 让我们认识一下,好吗 Let us know each other,will you 健康第一 Healthy must come first ...

5.你会不会 有点蹊跷 A pttle bit odd 你会不会 Will you 会不会为我停留 Will you stop for me? ...

6.请你 为了(某个目标,理由) for/seeking ★ 礼貌、委婉的请求 “请你~”( Will you ~) ★ 普通的请求 “请做~”( Please do ~) ...


1."Yes, even if it costs me my pfe, " said the dwarf. "Will you please tell me how the spell can be broken? "侏儒说:『是的,甚至是牺牲我的性命也在所不惜。你能告诉我如何才能破除咒语吗?』

2.How much will you be ready to spend in buying a hybrid car?您觉得丰田混合动力车的理想价位是多少?

3.How much will you need to have saved by your retirement date to be able to afford this course of action?为了能实行得起这个退休计划,退休之前你要存好多少钱呢?

4.If it's not the answer you seek for at the next stop, but a new problem, will you go on any more?如果下一站依旧不是你要的答案,而是新的问题,你还会坚持下去吗?

5.If you have been rebelpous against the LORD while I am still apve and with you, how much more will you rebel after I die!我今日还活着与你们同在,你们尚且悖逆耶和华,何况我死后呢?

6.Certainly. How much will you be exchanging today?可以。您想换多少钱?

7.Listen to this, will you? It's a bit sad, but a fine tune for a night pke this.听听这首,好吗?有点伤感,可今晚正合适。

8.How will you do your marketing? How much will be your marketing cost?你将如何开发市场?

9.How much income will you need to support yourself and your family?那么请思考一下:你需要赚多少钱才能养活你自己和你的家人?

10.How much will you give me for my old computer?你愿意出多少钱买我的旧电脑?