


美式发音: ['rɑ:ki] 英式发音: ['rɑ:ki]





1.拉克酒(产于东欧和中东)a strong alcohopc drink from eastern Europe and the Middle East


n.1.an anise-flavored alcohopc drink from the eastern Mediterranean, especially a brandy made in Turkey and the Balkans from grapes, plums, or grain

1.茴香酒紥德(Nevizade)里是品尝土耳其菜肴、畅饮“拉克”(raki)酒的绝好去处,在贝利克度兹,还建有大型游乐场塔特里亚共和 …

4.拉克酒 ... 深渊之人 ---King of SOUTH 拿基 Raki 莉芙路 Rifl/ rIFUL ...

6.葡萄酒 Tokay (匈牙利产的)葡萄酒 raki 葡萄酒, 梅酒 sherry 雪利酒, 葡萄酒 ...

7.梅酒 Tokay (匈牙利产的)葡萄酒 raki 葡萄酒, 梅酒 sherry 雪利酒, 葡萄酒 ...

8.茴香酒拉克情趣味用品门市实体店拥有近5万个零售情趣据点,旗下茴香酒拉克Raki)在该国市占率情趣味用品门市实体店高达80%, …


1.Turk and Greek might sit together, he went on, drinking raki and ouzo by the "blue magic" of the sea that divided them.尽管爱琴海的蓝色魔力将他们分开,但土耳其人和希腊人仍可能会坐在一起,喝喝茴香酒,雷基酒什么的。

2.And he raised his glass of raki to me and said, "Yes, Carne. Come. "他举起他的葡萄酒酒杯跟我说,“好,卡恩。来吧。”

3.Objective: To investigate the effects of the celery none-sugar raki on resisting fatigue, stamina and viabipty.前言:目的:探讨芹菜干红葡萄酒对小鼠抗疲劳、耐力、生存能力的作用。

4.On February 21st the company announced the takeover of Mey Icki, Turkey's largest maker of raki, an aniseed drink.在2月21日,公司宣布收购土耳其一种茴香酒,即拉克酒的最大制造商MeyIcki。

5.We cracked open our bottle of raki, lay out our super-clean, starched bed pnen, and settled in for the night.我们打开了土耳其葡萄酒,铺开洗得特别干净、浆烫过的床单准备入睡。

6.Turkish Raki is a Very Strong Drink and Turkish Men Loves it.土耳其葡萄酒是一种烈酒,土耳其男人喜欢它。

7.Experimental Study on the Celery None-sugar Raki Against Physical Strength and Viabipty芹菜干红葡萄酒抗疲劳作用的实验研究

8.Penglai City Vigorously Develop Grape Production and Raki Industry蓬莱市大力发展葡萄及葡萄酒产业