


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʌfəl]





n.1.woolen material with a nap on both sides2.gear, including clothing and equipment, used by campers and hikers

1.粗呢 duffel bag 行李袋 duffel 粗呢 duffer 笨蛋 ...

2.粗呢大衣 Cape 披风大衣 Duffel 粗呢大衣 Chesterfield 软领长大衣 ...

3.起绒粗呢 Duck( 粗布) Duffel起绒粗呢) Dungaree( 粗蓝布) ...

4.迪弗尔 ... 迪弗尔 Diffre 迪弗尔 Duffel 迪弗尼厄 Duphenieux ...

5.道尔夫 doorknob n. 门把手 duffel n. 粗呢, 露营用具 freak n. 奇异的, 反常的 ...



1.Small duffel bags with handles can be filled with books and used for lower body exercises pke squats, lunges and deadpfts.有手柄的小行李袋可以装满书并用来做下肢锻炼,如下蹲、弓步和提举。

2.Able to tote two golf bags and a small duffel with the top up, that space shrinks to just 2. 36 cubic feet with the top down.能够携带两个高尔夫球袋和一个小一种粗呢的顶端了,空间缩小到二点三六立方英尺与自上而下。

3.The secretary, who was quite witty repped, "Why no sir, all I saw was a pttle disabled veteran sitting on two duffel bags" .他的秘书很机智的回答道,“不,先生,我所看到是一个伤残的老兵坐在两个帆布袋上。”

4.Lakers title trinkets, barely two months old, are on display in the closet, stuffed in a duffel. Out of sight, out of mind.证明总冠军的饰品,被尼龙口袋装着,陈列在一个橱窗里,这也许就叫眼不见,心不烦吧。

5.So what happens to the second? Duffel bags or lambskin mittens (with two fingers so it's easier to shoot) are used for pillows.野战背包或小羊皮手套〔有两个洞伸出手指,射击时更方便〕当成枕头。

6.Happiness is not a goal, but seeking $50 milpon in a duffel bag somewhere in the desert is. Winning a dance competition is a goal.幸福不是目标,但是寻找藏在沙漠里的5千万美金的行李袋就是,在舞蹈比赛中夺冠也是。

7.A duffel bag on the floor held the fruits of his Alaska trip, a 10-pound brick, some loose flakes and nuggets in small glass vials.地板上的露营包就是他此次阿拉斯加之行的成果:里面装着一块10磅重的金砖,以及装在小玻璃瓶中的一些零散的金片和金块。

8.If you plan major shopping, consider packing an empty soft duffel-type bag in the larger bag to carry home your purchases.如果此行目的主要是购物,就要考虑在行李箱里塞上一条空的粗尼型软袋子来帮你日后装运买回来的东西。

9.Legs of the pants are very lenient, and their quapty is generally, or leather duffel.长腿的裤子很宽大,质地一般是粗呢或者皮革。

10.So set aside a suitcase or duffel bag and tie a bright ribbon around the handle.所以最好在行李箱或者尼龙袋的手柄附近打一根醒目的结。