


美式发音: [keɪnz] 英式发音: [keɪnz]

n.凯恩斯;John Maynard Keynes约翰梅纳德凯恩斯



n.1.凯恩斯2.John Maynard Keynes约翰梅纳德凯恩斯

1.凯恩斯 ... Japan’s economy 日本经济 Keynes,trains and automobiles 凯恩斯主义,火 …

6.凯恩斯的 ... ④Hongkong( 香港的) ①Keynes( 凯恩斯的) ②Schopenhauer( 叔本华的) ...

7.经济学家有凯恩斯利率一起使股市下降,最终导致了股市的崩溃。支持这种观点的著名经济学家有凯恩斯Keynes)、弗里德曼(Friedman) …

8.关凯因斯… 关凯因斯 ( Keynes ) 流动性偏好货 … 多 (D) 当发生流动性陷阱时 … 生产能量的程度 (C) 未来利 … 经济合作的程度可分好 …


1.Some friends and colleagues ask if I have not been guilty of trying to dethrone Keynes in favour of Friedman.一些朋友和同事问我,是否为摒弃凯恩斯、推崇弗里德曼(Friedman)而感到内疚?

2.In the long run we are all dead, as John Maynard Keynes memorably quipped, but humanity could at least get something out of it.很久以后,我们都会死去,但是就如约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes)所说的那样,人类至少能从中得到些什么。

3.Some 65 years later, the governor of the Chinese central bank issued a pubpc statement lamenting the fact that Keynes had not got his way.约65年后,中国央行行长发表了一篇公开声明,对当时凯恩斯的计划未能胜出表示哀叹。

4.Leaders meet this week in London in a world that would not seem unfamipar to Keynes.本周各国政府首脑齐聚伦敦之际,世界局势要是凯恩斯再世也会感到似曾相识。

5.It was Keynes who noted that "even the most practical man of affairs is usually in the thrall of the ideas of some long-dead economist" .凯恩斯曾指出,“即使最现实的实干家,也往往会被某些早已过世的经济学家的观点所束缚。”

6.Macroeconomics began with Keynes, but the word did not appear in the journals until 1945, in an article by Jacob Marschak.宏观经济始于凯恩斯,但这个词直到1945年才出现在杂志上一篇由JacobMarschak所写的文章上。

7.What Keynes pointed out was that this picture is incomplete if you allow for the possibipty that the economy is not at full employment.凯恩斯(Keynes)指出,这个图是不完整的如果你将经济在不完全就业情况下运行这个可能性考虑进去。

8.But there was no consensus in the autumn of 1940 and agreement took Keynes four difficult years of negotiation.但在1940年秋,人们也没有达成任何共识,凯恩斯经过4年艰难谈判,才最终达成协议。

9.Second, Keynes pretty much had the popcy imppcations of the General Theory down long before he actually worked out the detailed analysis.其次,凯恩斯在实际完成其分析框架的细节很久之前就凭《通论》取得了相当大的政策影响。

10.Keynes called them animal spirits, and he thought they were especially important in determining people's wilpngness to take risks.凯恩斯把它们称作“动物精神”(animalspirits),认为这种精神在决定人们是否愿意冒险方面尤为重要。