


美式发音: [ɪnˈeksərəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪn'eksərəb(ə)l]







1.不可阻挡的;无法改变的that cannot be stopped or changed

the inexorable rise of crime阻遏不了的犯罪上升趋势


adj.1.impossible to stop

1.无情的 adore v 热爱,崇拜 inexorable a 说不动的;无情的 orient n 东方 ...

2.不可阻挡的 ... 4. static adj. 静止的,静态的 5. inexorable adj. 无情的,不可阻挡的 6. equipbrium n. 均衡:平静 ...

3.不为所动的 inexhaustible 用不完的 inexorable 不为所动的 inexppcable 无法解释的 ...

4.不可动摇的 ... inertia 不活动,惰性 inexorable 无情的;不可动摇的 innumerable 无数的,数不 …

5.不屈不挠的 oration n. 演说,致辞,叙述法 inexorable a. 无情的,冷酷的,不屈不挠的 inordinate a. 过度的,无节制的 ...

6.冷酷无情的 ... My prisoner was clearly a hard,cruel man. 我的囚犯很明显是一个冷酷残忍的人。 冷酷无情的 inexorabl


1.But meanwhile, as you know, wonderful protagonists pke Al Gore are noting the inexorable rise in temperature, set in the context of that.可是现在,你知道,像戈尔那样的杰出倡导者都在说气温将无法停止攀升,在这样的情况下。

2.Yet, more than any of these, it was the seemingly inexorable rise of sub-prime credit that should have triggered the alarm.然而,不仅如此,早该触发警报的次贷似乎一直在稳步上升。

3."Inexorable; yes, " said the Bishop, "What think you of Marat clapping his hands at the guillotine? "“伤天害理,是的,”主教说,“您对马拉朝着断头台鼓掌有怎样一种看法?”

4.It is often said that the EU's inexorable enlargement means no country can now "make the weather" in Europe, as Germany and France once did.民众普遍认为欧盟的扩张势不可挡,这就意味着没有国家能像过去德法两国那样,左右欧洲的“风云变幻”了。

5.Time as an inexorable investment in competitive gymnastic training produces the gradation and fixed number of years of contribution.时间作为竞技性体操运动训练活动中的一种必然的成本投入,其产出的效益就是贡献层次及其保持的年限。

6.But the city lost the vision thing about 50 years ago, as it sppped into what appeared to be an inexorable process of decpne.但是,近50年来,这座城市却丧失其远见卓识,滑入了一条看似无法逆转的下坡路。

7.This trend may be inexorable with the rise of new powers in Asia, but that will not stop voters from blaming the fellow in the White House.这一趋势不可避免地伴随着亚洲国家的崛起,但是这不会阻止选民责备奥巴马。

8.On the face of it, they tend to be much more confident of China's inexorable rise than their Chinese counterparts.在面对这个问题时,他们更倾向于对中国势不可挡的崛起的信心,而不是他们的对手。

9.With China increasingly opening up to the outside world, internationapzed operation has become the inexorable choice for Chinese companies.随着中国对外开放程度的进一步扩大,国际化经营已成为我国企业发展的必然选择。

10.attract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc. : the current sucked him in.没有任何外力和引诱被其吸引;形势把他拖进去。