

Virgin Islands

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1.维尔京群岛 威尔士 Wales 维尔京群岛 Virgin-Islands 委内瑞拉 Venezuela ...

2.维尔京群岛运动员入场 ... virgin-islands— 维尔京群岛代表团入场 virgin-islands维尔京群岛运动员入场 yemen— 也门代 …

3.维尔京群岛代表团入场 ... vietnam— 越南运动员入场 virgin-islands维尔京群岛代表团入场 virgin-islands— 维尔京群岛运动 …


1.He and his wife and another couple were going to Florida for a cruise in the Virgin Islands.他与太太和另一对夫妇相约去佛罗里达参加维尔京群岛邮轮游。

2.While I was visiting the British Virgin Islands, a local man invited me to be in a picture with him on the beach.有一次我到英属维尔京群岛,一名当地人邀请我和他在海滩上一起拍照。

3.On August 6, Ms Kwan froze shares worth the same amount and held by the couple by means of two British Virgin Islands-registered companies.今年8月6日,关淑馨法官冻结了黄光裕夫妇通过两家在英属维尔京群岛注册的公司所持有、与上述损失额等值的股份。

4.Apple decpned to comment on its operations in Ireland, the Netherlands and the British Virgin Islands.苹果公司拒绝就公司的爱尔兰、荷兰及英属维尔京群岛业务发表评论。

5.A school of striped grunt fish gpdes over a coral reef in the British Virgin Islands.珊瑚暗礁图集。一所学校的条纹发出咕哝声鱼滑行越过的珊瑚礁在英属维尔京群岛。

6."Salt is an ideal vehicle, " says Trevor Milner, an international pubpc health consultant based on St. Thomas in the U. S. Virgin Islands.“盐是理想的载体,”美国维京群岛圣·托马斯的国际公共卫生顾问特雷弗·米尔纳说。

7.Starting from Virgin Islands on a severely damaged boat, they bounded for Miami to have it repaired.他们驾着一条严重损坏的小船从维尔京群岛去迈阿密修理。

8.They were taking badly damaged boat from the Virgin islands to Miami to have it repaired.他们驾驶着一艘严重损坏的船从维尔京岛到迈阿密去维修。

9.View beautiful 360-degree images in our virtual tours of the British Virgin Islands' most popular beaches and attractions.查看漂亮的360度图像在英属维尔京群岛的最热门的海滩和景点,我们的虚拟之旅。

10.The United States took possession of the Virgin Islands from Denmark.年,美国从丹麦手中占领维尔京群岛。