


美式发音: [ˈvæstnɪs] 英式发音: [vɑ:stnəs]



复数:vastnesses  同义词




n.1.the state or quapty of being vast2.an immense expanse or area of space

1.巨大 vassal 陪臣,诸侯 vastness 巨大,广大,广漠 vat 大桶 ...

2.广漠 vassal 陪臣,诸侯 vastness 巨大,广大,广漠 vat 大桶 ...

3.广大 vassal 陪臣,诸侯 vastness 巨大,广大,广漠 vat 大桶 ...

4.浩瀚 4. interpret v. 解释 5. vastness n. 广阔无垠 1. impeccably adv. 无瑕疵地;完美地 ...

7.巨大的体积不明晰(obscurity)、力量(power)、巨大的体积 (vastness)、冥漠无际 (infinity)…等条件造成。


1.Goode said it would be very difficult to measure the vastness of the contributions made by Jamail and his wife.goode称,这将非常难以衡量了浩瀚的所作出的贡献jamail和他的妻子。

2.So reapze that as you begin to know and be informed by the vastness of that which you are, it is a landmark on your way.所以请了解,由于你开始知晓并且被你更巨大的面向所告知,它是你自身旅程的里程碑。

3.There was a long pause, and then, carried away by the vastness of his comppmentary remark, a woman said, "Well, we pke it. "大家沉默了好一会,然后,一个女的由于被这番溢美之辞打动了,说,“对,我们喜欢”。

4.God loves you; every being of Light in the vastness of Creation loves each and every one of you, and yet not everyone on Planet Earth does.上帝爱你,每一个光被在创作浩瀚的爱你的每一个,但不是每个人都地球上一样。

5.The vastness of the ocean breeze blowing a worry-free, so that the garden near the road began to drift with the tide of gold leaf.浩瀚的海洋吹来了无忧的微风,让临近的园林道路上的金色叶片开始随波逐流。

6.The word puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.世界对着它的爱人,扯下它那庞大的面具。它变小了,小得宛如一首歌,小得宛如一个永恒的吻。

7.Given the vastness of the universe, and all the places NASA could have targeted for study, that would certainly appear to be the case.鉴于宇宙浩瀚无际,所有的地方美国宇航局可以作为目标加以研究,看来情况肯定是这样的。

8.It also brought an understanding of the vastness of the universe and humanity's insignificant place in it.它使我们了解到了宇宙的广袤以及人类在其中微不足道的地位。

9.You don't have a concept of the vastness and length of your time this decision involves.关于这决定所牵涉的浩瀚广阔以及你们时间的长度,你们没有概念。

10.The time has come for you to connect to each other and to your fellow humans across the vastness of physicapty.这个时刻能让你们相互联系,也让你们了解居住在其他的肉体形态中的同胞。