




1.普林西比 President (总统酒店) Principe普林西比酒店) Residenza Delfino (德尔费罗酒店) ...

4.比林西卑岛 拍克苏伯 PAX-SUPER 平西培 PRINCIPE 罗克司 POX ...

7.平西培牌手表 单丝经缎^ princesse 平西培牌手表^ Principe 印花粘合剂^ print adhesive ...


1.30 p. m. - Up the main street, visit the Principe Real square with a century-old cedar tree that hides a dozen benches in its mighty shade.晚7点半--沿着主干道向前走,参观PrincipeReal广场,那里有一棵百年雪松树,其树荫下还藏有十几个长凳。

2.For the next five centuries, Dr Principe thinks, alchemists were the "northern chemists" of Europe.普林西比博士认为在接下来的几个世纪里,炼金术士便成了欧洲的“北方化学家”。

3.He came to the West Indies when he was very young and plundered the Spanish settlements of Puerto del Principe, Puerto Bello, and Maracaibo.当他很年轻时他来到西印度群岛,并洗劫了普林西比岛港、贝勒港和马拉开波(地名,委内瑞拉第二大城市)等西班牙的殖民地。

4.This paper describes principe of ATP measurement its' apppcation in waste water treatment and simply presents study on ATP.叙述ATP测定技术的原理,及ATP浓度在废水处理中的作用,简单介绍了有关ATP的试验研究情况。

5.In the view of Lawrence Principe of Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, such thinking was also around in the 17th and 18th centuries.约翰·霍普金斯大学位于巴尔的摩,该校的劳伦斯·普林西比认为,这种想法在17世纪和18世纪仍然存在。

6.Mozambique accounted for 28% of investment, followed by Cape Verde (11. 4%), Guinea Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe and Timor-Leste.莫桑比克占投资总额的28%,接下来是佛得角(11.4%),几内亚比绍,圣多美和普林西比,东帝汶。

7.an island in the Gulf of Guinea that is part of Sao Tome e Principe.几内亚海湾中的一个岛屿,是普林西比的一部分。

8.Eddington and his assistant arrive on the shores of Principe,爱丁顿和他的助手到达圣多美普林西比海岸,