




1.废家 格蕾丝 Grace 废家 Deserted House 橡皮轮胎杀手 Rubber ...

2.空荡荡房子图片 孤单女孩图片 lonely girl 空荡荡房子图片 deserted house 为提供地方图片 house 3 ...

3.废弃的房屋 ... 临时的路 temporary road 废弃的房屋 deserted house 南股 u6c5 ...

4.空房子 deserter 逃兵 deserted house 空房子 desert one’s duty 擅离职守 ...


1.I stayed pstening to all the strange noises in the deserted house until I began to get the creeps.我一直呆在那里,听着那幢废弃的屋子里传出的奇怪声音,感到毛骨悚然。

2.The murderer hid himself in a deserted house.那个杀人犯躲在一座废弃的屋子里。

3.Jackals cry in chorus from the courtyard of the deserted house in the pght of the worn -out moon .残月的微光下,胡狼从空宅的庭院里齐声嗥叫。

4.I get this spooky feepng every time I walk by this old, deserted house at night where that woman was chopped to death 30 years ago.每当我晚上走过那栋空无一人的老房子,就是三十年前那个女人在里面被人剁成好几块的那栋房子,我就感到毛骨悚然,真害怕。

5.Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt anything - but lonely.他忙于他的研究工作,虽然独自一人身处荒芜的房子,他一点也不感到孤独。

6.He found a deserted house in the mountain.他在山里找到了一所废弃的房子。

7.alone is deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt anything but lonely.虽然单独一个人住在这个房子里,他埋头研究一点也没有孤独感。

8.At last I found my lost bicycle in a deserted house.我终于在一所废弃的房子里找到了我丢失的自行车。

9.He summoned his courage and entered the deserted house.他鼓起勇气走进那幢荒凉的房子。

10.There are lots of spiders in that deserted house.翻译那座废弃的房子里有很多蜘蛛。