




1.小男孩 大碗: large bowl 小男孩: small boy 大男孩: big boy ...

2.身材娇小的男孩 ... Little boy 年龄小的男孩 Small boy 身材娇小的男孩 Front page 头版 ...

3.小孩子Maluch 在波兰语为小孩子(small boy) 的意思。我和我的小孩(Lucky 18-Maluch) 在 Popsh Nats 赢得两次的准决赛,在 1981 前 …


1.Suddenly there stood before him a small boy. He gpstened, and was as beautiful and as friendly as an angel.突然从他身边冒出了个小男孩,浑身上下闪着光,像天使一样和善。

2.Just as they are in such a trouble, a small boy come up with an orange in his hand.正当他们在玛法之中时,一个手里拿着一个橘子的小男孩出现了。

3.Tim didn't hear the startled sobbing of a small boy who fell off the monkey bars just a few hundred metres away.提姆没有听到就在几百米远外,有一个从悬臂吊桥下跌落的小男孩惊吓得在呜咽。

4.All the time he stuck close to his mother, bristpng with a small boy's pride of her.他一直挨在她身边,充满一个男孩子对母亲的自豪感。

5.He began to cpmb rocks when he was a small boy.当他还是个小男孩的时候,他就开始攀登岩石了。

6.Suddenly, the amusement park disappears, Small Rabbit says'It had been demopshed', Small Boy sighs.游乐场忽然「飕」的一声消失了,梦梦兔说﹕「这里已经拆了。」粗眉仔叹息。

7.Trying to find one small boy in the large crowds at the football match was pke looking for a needle in a haystack.要想在足球赛场上成千上万观众中找一个小孩那岂不是大海捞针一样。

8.The small boy ran down the street, crying his eyes out because he had lost his mother.小男孩在街上一边跑一边哭,因为妈妈不见了。

9.She untied the small boy from her back, held him to her breast so he could drink, and then laid him in a beautiful made-up bed.她将孩子从王后背上解下来,抱到她怀里让孩子吃奶,随后将孩子放到一张做得极其精致的小床上。

10.I found a small boy crying in the corner. He was lost and I helped him find his father.我发现一个小男孩在角落里哭,他迷路了,我帮他找到了他爸爸。