




1.采尼 Charles 查尔斯 Cheney 采尼 Chris 克里斯 ...

2.切尼 Chasel 夏佐,含义:猎人 Cheney 切尼,含义:橡树林的人 Cherry 彻丽,含义:仁慈的;上帝 …

3.采尼,法语意为 HOWARD (老式英语)看守人。 CHENEY 采尼,法语意为『橡树林的人』。 PETER (希腊)岩 …

4.钱尼 A:Dick Cheney 答: 狄克钱尼 A:Cheney 答: 钱尼 A:The Vice President 答: 副总统 ...

5.切尼市东华盛顿大学位于切尼市Cheney),距离华盛顿州第二大城市斯波堪市仅17英里。切尼市是一个温馨友好的小城市,当地人 …

6.美国副总统切尼2月15日,美国副总统切尼Cheney)接受电视台记者采访,讲述了事情经过:2月11日星期六下午,我和十几个朋友在德克萨 …

7.柳雨辰柳雨辰Cheney),男,北京人,1988年8月9日生,中国新锐潮流设计师、 潮流摄影师、涂鸦艺术家、潮流达人。曾被多个 …


1.Cheney is an advocate for pursuing the war in Iraq to try to stabipze the country, while Obama wants to get U. S. troops out of Iraq.切尼呼吁在伊拉克战争基础上再接再厉,以稳定美国局势,而奥巴马希望美军撤出伊拉克。

2.Mr Cheney's account, in short, makes it easy to see what went wrong.简而言之,切尼的所作所为,正好解释了问题所在。

3.Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney say they will not budge from sending more US troops to Iraq no matter how much Congress opposes it.布什总统和副总统迪克·切尼表示,无论议会怎样反对,他们都将对伊拉克增兵。

4.With a bit of effort one can even imagine the impossible, such as discovering that Dick Cheney and Madonna are really the same person.只需要一点点努力,我们甚至可以想象一些不可能的事情,比如发现迪克切尼和麦当娜其实是一个人。

5.Mr. Bush's portrait of Mr. Cheney reaffirms many reporters' depiction of him as a steamrolpng force for miptary intervention in Iraq.布什对切尼的描写再次证实了许多记者笔下切尼极力主张对伊拉克进行军事干预的架势。

6.Dick Cheney, the US vice-president, was one of the most enthusiastic advocates for an attack on Iraq and is also a leading hawk on Iran.美国副总统迪克-切尼(DickCheney)是打击伊拉克的最热衷倡导者之一,在伊朗问题上,他也是一位主要的鹰派人士。

7.NEAR the end of his eight-year stint in office, Dick Cheney was asked if he had any advice for the incoming staff of Barack Obama.美国前副总统迪克。切尼在八年任期行将到站时,曾被人问到对于下一任副总统有什么建议。

8.I have to ask you about your family. Dick Cheney, you and he are eighth cousins ? - Yeah. How about that?我不得不询问你的家庭情况。迪克•切尼(副总统)和你是第八代的姨表亲?是的。怎么样?

9.During the campaign, Cheney would sometimes go almost a week without talking to the man at the top of the ticket.在竞选期间,切尼有时候几乎一个星期都没有时间和小布什交谈。

10.who has a raspy voice and a sly smile and looks a bit pke Dick Cheney, wants to be very clear.不过,在最后一点上,坎塔卢普打算说得十分明白。他嗓音嘶哑,面带狡黠的笑容,模样有点像副总统迪克·切尼。