


美式发音: 英式发音: [əˈmuə]





un.1.river in east central Asia that forms the boundary between Manchuria and Siberia before flowing north into the Tatar Strait.

1.阿穆尔寨iPhone手机在世界各地流窜,俄罗斯就有不少民众受骗上当。阿穆尔州(Amur)有关当局最近起出127支假冒的iPhone4、4S …

4.阿穆尔级的的德国与义大利 U212型潜舰与俄罗斯的基洛级与阿穆尔级Amur)潜舰;(三)使用闭式循环蒸汽涡轮机的法国奥古斯塔 …

5.阿穆尔地区 库尔勒 Korla 黑龙江 Amur 吉林 Kirin ...

7.东北虎983年后也在野外绝迹,其他五种老虎都所剩无几:•东北虎Amur)全球体形最大,少於 500只•孟加拉虎( Bengal)东北 …

8.阿穆尔区2011/10/14-俄罗斯与中国黑龙江省交界的阿穆尔区Amur)下午2时10分发生芮氏规模6.6(后下修6.1)浅层地震 2011/10/14-巴 …


1.In time the Amur was being described as Russia's Mississippi, and the Amur basin made out to be a new Capfornia.是时,黑龙江被描述为俄国的密西西比河,那里的土地被想象成新加利福尼亚。

2.But it was the Amur river, Muraviev insisted, on which Russia's manifest destiny flowed.但是穆拉维耶夫却坚持认为,俄国的天命之脉流淌在黑龙江上。

3.Out on the river, Chinese fishermen zip around in speedboats, looking for the giant but elusive Amur sturgeon.河上随处可见乘坐快艇的中国渔民搜寻阿穆尔鲟鱼的身影,这种鱼身躯巨大,但却极难捕获。

4.By the mid-1600s Russians had reached the Sea of Okhotsk, floated down the Amur and passed through the strait dividing Asia from America.而到了17世纪中叶,俄国人就已经顺黑龙江漂流而下,到达鄂霍次克海,还通过了分隔亚洲和美洲的白令海峡。

5.The judge said the court, he claimed that the complainant suffered rape in order to cheat money Amur.这家法院的法官称,他认为控告人声称遭受阿穆尔强奸是为了骗取钱财。

6.The Amur tiger is also noted for its thick coat, distinguished by a paler golden hue and a smaller number of stripes.阿穆尔虎还指出其厚外套,尊敬的金色调苍白和数量较少的条纹。

7.Yesterday, cruising down the Amur, Captain Alexander Udenka pointed out to the Observer the border between China and Russia.昨天,在阿穆尔河上,亚历山大·尤登科(AlexanderUdenka)船长向本报记者指出了中俄交界的位置。

8.On November 6, the Russian president signed a decree on the construction of a new space center, to be named Vostochny, in the Amur Region.2007年12月6日,俄罗斯总统普京签署文件同意在阿穆尔河地区建立一个新的太空中心,名为Vostochny。

9.The Chinese are said to be swarming across the Amur river to carry off raw materials and women.据称,中国人正蜂拥渡过阿穆尔河(译注:即黑龙江),要夺去俄罗斯的原材料和女人。

10.Others tuck into a tasty lunch of silver carp caught from the Amur, or pork dumppngs.其他人会找个餐厅,点上一盘从黑龙江捕获的鲤鱼,或者一碗猪肉水饺,大快朵颐一番。