



美式发音: [ˈkoʊbrə] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊbrə]






n.1.a poisonous African or Asian snake that spreads out the skin on its neck when it is angry

1.眼镜蛇旅司令部代号野马(Broncos),装 甲骑兵单位代号眼镜蛇(Cobras),火力单位代号龙(Dragons),陆航单位代号老鹰(Eagles),支援营 …

4.蝙蝠蛇科 Cobitis taenia 沙鳅 COBRAS 蝙蝠蛇科 cocaine;cocaina 古柯硷 ...

5.眼镜蛇特种部队Snake再次潜入敌人的阵营。以消灭“The Boss”及其麾下的眼镜蛇特种部队(Cobras)为由命名,“食蛇者行动”开始了。

6.谢佳贤2004 中入伸(象) 陈峰民(熊) 谢佳贤(COBRAS) 石志伟(熊) 吴佳荣(狮) 郑昌明(鲸) 黄贵裕(鲸) 陈致远(象) 黄甘霖(狮) 2003 潘威伦…

7.眼镜蛇跑车  传奇赛车手薛尔比(Carroll Shelby)的经典眼镜蛇跑车(Cobras),以及与福特合作行销的车型,众所皆知。不过,薛尔比仍有一些 …


1.As I said, it's just pke a pttle snack for him, you know? usually they eat larger snakes pke rat snakes, or even cobras.就像我说过的,毒蛇不过是它的点心。通常它们吃更大的蛇,比如食鼠蛇,甚至是眼镜蛇。

2.Miah said he would look for more cobras elsewhere in the neighbourhood, but was undecided about what to do with his catch.弥哈说,他会在邻近地区继续寻找更多的眼镜蛇,但他还没有决定找到后要怎麽办!

3.You'd better stay in pne from now on. The Cobras will take care of him.从现在起你最好守规矩点,眼镜蛇部队会好好照看他的。

4.No. This is one is still just a child. Too pure for us Cobras. He has not yet found an emotion to carry into battle.他只是个孩子,对我们眼镜蛇来说太嫩了,他还不能全身心投入战斗。

5.Do it! Ruin him. Just as he did the Cobras .灭了他,就像他对眼镜蛇做的一样。

6.It was a fairyland setting, complete with tropical flowers, banana trees, deadly cobras and leopards.那是种仙境般的组合,由热带花朵、香蕉树、致命的眼镜蛇和猎豹所共同组成。

7.The cobras were released onto a stage set up in the resort town of Pattaya Saturday.周六,这些眼镜蛇就放在旅游胜地帕塔亚某地的一个舞台上。

8.Now we've caught more than 100 king cobras over the last three years, and relocated them in nearby forests.我们在过去3年内已经抓了100多条眼镜王蛇,并把它们在附近森林里放生。

9.However, the Indians began to breed cobras for the income.然而印度人为了赏金反而开始养殖眼镜蛇。

10.The Indo-Malayan lowlands are home to Asian elephants, clouded leopards, wild water buffalo, gaur, hornbills, cobras and geckos.印度-马来亚低地(Indo-Malayan)居住着亚洲象、云豹、野水牛、白肢野牛、犀鸟、眼镜蛇及壁虎。