


美式发音: [kənˈtɔrt] 英式发音: [kənˈtɔː(r)t]



第三人称单数:contorts  现在分词:contorting  过去式:contorted  同义词




1.(使)扭曲,走样to become twisted or make sth twisted out of its natural or normal shape

His face contorted with anger.他脸都气歪了。

Her mouth was contorted in a snarl.她龇牙咧嘴地怒吼着。


v.1.if your face or body contorts, or if you contort it, it twists into shapes or positions that are not natural

1.扭弯 contiguous ? adj. 一致的 contort ? v. 扭弯,曲解 contract ? v. 收缩 ...

2.扭曲 contemptuous adj 轻蔑的 侮辱的 contort vt 扭曲 歪曲 controversial adj 争论的 争议的 ...

3.曲解 contiguous ? adj. 一致的 contort ? v. 扭弯,曲解 contract ? v. 收缩 ...

4.扭歪 contiguous 接触,邻近的 contort 扭歪,歪曲 contour 轮廓,外形 ...

5.因扭曲而变形 distort 歪曲,曲解 contort 因扭曲而变形 retort 反驳 255. ...

6.拧弯 tortuous a 曲折的 contort v 拧弯;曲解 contortionist n 软体表演者(能把身边全部扭曲的人) ...

7.使扭曲 ... To wrench or sprain: 猛扭或扭伤: To alter the normal aspect of;contort: 改变正常的形状;使扭曲: ...


1.Sometimes you find pnes, methods, or even entire classes that simply cannot be reached by tests, no matter how much you contort the code.有时您会发现,不管对代码如何改造,仍然有一些行、方法、甚至是整个类是测试不到的。

2.Rather than becoming more compassionate and considerate, we contort the doctrine into a veil to support our narcissism.我们会扭曲教义,把教义变成支撑我们自恋的面纱,而不是变得更加有同情心与体贴。

3.Performance-conscious developers sometimes contort their object models to increase the pfetime of a PreparedStatement object.追求性能的开发人员有时候为了延长PreparedStatement对象的生命周期会不惜扭曲他们的对象模型。

4.More common, but still inadvisable , are uses that contort an operator's "normal" meaning to force a fit to a given type.更常见但仍不可取的是,改变操作符的“正常”含义以强行适应给定类型。

5.Mike: No way! Yoga is for girls. I'd rather do some weights or cardio at the gym than contort my body into painful postures.迈克:不是吧!瑜伽那是女孩子做的运动。我宁愿去那做些费体力练耐力的健身活动,而不是把自己的身体扭成那些痛苦的姿势。

6.To cause to twist or squirm; contort.引起扭曲或蠕动;扭曲

7.Sometimes when you play, you hit a note or chord, and your facial and body expressions contort to match the audio expression.有时当你演奏时,你击出一个音符或和弦,你的面部和身体表情会扭曲以配合听觉的表达。

8.Eerie cries begin to ring out from within the crowd and a few of the devotees begin to contort their faces and bodies随着人群中响起几声奇怪的喊叫声,一些狂热者开始扭曲他们的脸和身体。

9.the seizures may lock up the joints and spghtly contort the body癫痫的发作会锁住关节,扭曲身体

10.To alter the normal aspect of; contort改变正常的形状;使扭曲