


网络释义:环境库兹涅茨曲线(Environmental Kuznets Curve);环境库兹涅兹曲线;环境库茨涅兹曲线


1.环境库兹涅茨曲线(Environmental Kuznets Curve)提出   1991年美国...人均收入间的关系称为环境库兹涅茨曲线EKC)[3&...

2.环境库兹涅兹曲线环境库兹涅兹曲线(EKC)是描述污染问题与经济发展之间关系的常用模型,一般情况下呈倒U形。通过对山东省1990~2005年的人 …

3.环境库茨涅兹曲线有关“环境库茨涅兹曲线”(ekc)的实证研究表明,环境质量同经济增长呈倒u型曲线关系,即在经济发展的初期阶段,随着人均 …



1.The U shape EKC curve is often used to describe the relation between economic growth and environmental degradation.经济增长与环境污染之间的关系常用U型环境库兹涅茨曲线来描述。

2.The actuapty of each region are different, correspondingly, the concrete shapes of EKC are different.每个地区的实际情况千差万别,导致EKC的具体形状也不尽相同。

3.Or else, the trend of environmental worsening will not be reversed, and the EKC will not achieve the right half.其前提是不突破环境阈值,否则,环境恶化趋势将不可逆转,环境库兹涅茨曲线不可能达到右半区间。

4.It targets years and regions selection related while certainly cannot deny the existence of EKC in long-term.这与指标时序段和区域选取有关,并不能否定长期内EKC的存在。

5.The Return to Scale of Pollution Abatement and the Environmental Kuznets Curve: A New Explanation for the Form of EKC污染治理的规模收益与环境库兹涅茨曲线——对环境库兹涅茨曲线成因的一种新解释

6.A Study on the EKC Characteristics of the Relationship Between Environment and Economic Development in Xi'an City西安市环境与经济发展关系的EKC特征研究

7.The EKC Curve suggests that environmental resource and economic development that a relationship exists between;EKC曲线暗示了环境资源与经济发展之间存在这某种关系;

8.Modepng Regional Relationship between Economic Development and Environment Quapty Based on the EKC区域经济增长与环境质量演进关系模型研究——基于环境库兹涅茨曲线

9.promote the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) flat and right;促进环境库兹涅茨曲线扁平化和右侧化;

10.EKC characteristics in Jiangsu Province江苏省环境库兹涅茨特征分析