




1.城市发展斯·芒福德(Lewi s Mumf o rd)在《城市发展史》(City Development)一书中就写到:“目前已知的最古老的城市遗址,大 …


1.Since the world has city , city updating is always as a self-regulated mechanism existing in the city development.自城市诞生之日起,旧城更新就作为城市自我调节机制存在于城市发展之中。

2.Unfortunately, the urban heritage tends to be set aside from city development.不幸的是,城市文化遗产往往是拨出从城市发展。

3.The city development requires the construction of its green space be positioned, controlled and guided from a more macroscopical level.城市的发展要求从更宏观的层次定位、控制和引导其绿地的建设;

4.City development and re-development is a complex process, requiring many years of planning and government involvement.城市发展和重建工作繁缛复杂,需要长期规划和政府投入。

5.Eco-city development pattern is consistent with the historical trend and this model is the only suitable way for development.生态城市发展模式正是顺应历史的趋势,是问题的唯一答案。

6.The Expo cannot be the finishing pne, but the starting point of a new phase in city development.世博会不是一条终止线,而是城市发展新阶段的起点。

7.The source that city development be out of balance, consist in primarily place the competition compete with place excessively.城市发展失衡的根源,主要在于地方竞争与地方过度竞争。

8.City development and environment bearing capacity should be coordinated, thus the aim of stable development can be reached.避免城市及城镇规模的过度膨胀,使城市发展与环境承载力相协调,从而达到城市可持续发展的目的。

9.Know to all, The Sweden is in the world to handle the best nation in city development and environmental protection.众所周知,瑞典是世界上处理城市发展和环境保护最好的国家。

10.The last part brings forward advice and countermeasure in allusion to influence factors from local power during city development.第四部分,针对城市发展过程中“地方性”力量的诸多影响因素提出建议和对策。