




1.物力 C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许 4MIH Man,Materia,Money,Method,Time 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源) 后角 clearance angle ...

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3.魔石 大发 Move 大发 Materia 大发 Feroza ...

5.魔晶石 神圣/ Holy 魔晶石/ Materia 魔晃/ Mako ...

6.用料 ... Details disposal( 细节处理) Materia用料) Glass( 玻璃) ...

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1.The white oil is one of the important petroleum products, and is appped to the foodstuff industry, the materia medica production etc.白油是重要的石油加工产品,应用于食品、药品生产等诸多行业,关乎人民生命财产安全。

2.Award in the dance category, "England" combination did not let us down, " Compendium of Materia Medica, " won first prize.在歌舞类评选中,“英伦”组合不负众望,《本草纲目》夺得一等奖。

3.Conclusion : The effects of Chinese materia medica were all controlled by pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic coefficient.结论:中药药效决定于药物动力学参数及效应系数。

4.It took him twenty-seven years to finish the first draft of Compendium of Materia at the age of sixty-one after innumerable hardships.他花二十七年的时光,历尽千辛万苦,终于在六十一岁时写出了《本草纲目》初稿。

5.Second, the four gas Liaoji, "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" , he said: "cold medicine there, hot, warm, cool four gas" he said.其二,四气疗疾,在《神农本草经》中说:“药又有寒、热、温、凉四气。”

6.This recipe is in the black fungus, Compendium of Materia Medica in the records of its surface dark spots to go.本食谱中的黑木耳,《本草纲目》中记载其可去面上黑斑。

7.Apppcation of consanguinity of medicinal plants of ginger family in the systematization and study of Chinese materia medica.标题姜科药用植物亲缘关系在中药整理与研究中的应用。

8.From Ge Hong's "Bao Pu" to Hongjing Note "Materia Medica" , are starting to understand from the pharmacological effects of tea.从葛洪的《抱朴子》,到陶弘景注《本草经》,都是从药理出发来认识茶的作用。

9.Subject_Topical_Eng: Austrapan Naturopathic Network; Herbal Medicine; Materia Medica; Botanical Name; Common Name; practice of naturopathy.澳大利亚物理疗法网络;草药;植物学名;普通名字;物理疗法的实践。

10.Conclusion: Biomembrane of berberine compound may be an effective direct pulp capping materia.结论:黄连素复合生物膜对小型猪牙有良好的直接盖髓作用。