




1.白松露 化妆刷/ Brushs & Tools Phipp B.White Truffle 白松露洗发水220 果酸/ AHA ...

4.白松露极致美白 新上市 美丽日记 极润保湿山茶花 Camelpa 新上市 美丽日记 白松露极致美白 White Truffle ...

5.白朱古力馅 粉红士多啤棃砖 Strawberry Chocolate Block 白朱古力馅 White Truffle 软朱古力馅 Chocclate Truffle ...

6.白巧克力松露 Pink Rose 草莓甜心 White Truffle 白巧克力松露 Mango Jelly 芒果软心 ...

7.白松露巧克力2. 白松露巧克力(white truffle),百香果内馅,外层裹著一层梦幻粉糖的白松露巧克力;3. 焦糖杯子(caramel cups),迷你的巧克力 …


1.The white truffle, often referred to as the white diamond, is considered the most rare and demands the highest price.白松露通常被称作白色钻石,被尊为最稀有的种并具有最高的购买价值。

2.Gunther IV has bought a Miami villa from Madonna and won a rare white truffle in an auction.冈瑟四世拥有一座从麦当娜手里买来的迈阿密豪宅,还从拍卖会上买来了个稀有的白松露。

3.Popular ingredients for dinner parties were Russian caviar, white truffle and champagne.最受欢迎的晚宴料理有俄罗斯鱼子酱,白松露和香槟。

4.Imitation truffles consist of egg white, truffle juice and seasonings.松露仿制品由蛋白、块菌汁以及调味剂构成。

5.Place scallops on plate, spoon morel cream sauce over and add a dash of white truffle oil and garnish.将扇贝摆置盘中,淋上羊肚菌奶油汁、白块菌油和装饰料即可上桌。

6.Kennett Square mushroom strudel with white truffle cream sauce.Kennett广场的蘑菇馅卷和白巧克力冰淇淋。

7.All will be topped with generous shavings of white truffle.所有菜的上面都将撒上大量白松露薄片。

8.And it's the biggest white truffle of 2008, weighing in just over a kilo.这是2008年最大的白松露菌,重达一千克有余。

9.After the truffles depvered on the 16th, they will hold a "white truffle feast. "松露16日送抵后,她们将举办一场“白松露盛宴”。

10.Crispy Fine tart with baby spinach leaves, piegon egg and white truffle薄脆撻配莧菜,白鴿蛋及白松露菌