


美式发音: [bles] 英式发音: [bles]




过去式:blessed  过去式:blest  第三人称单数:blesses  现在分词:blessing  搭配反义词

v.+n.bless heart




1.~ sb/sth求上帝降福;祝福to ask God to protect sb/sth

They brought the children to Jesus and he blessed them.他们把孩子带到耶稣跟前,耶稣祝福了他们。

God bless you!愿上帝保佑你!

2.~ sth祝圣to make sth holy by saying a prayer over it

The priest blessed the bread and wine.神父祝圣了面包和葡萄酒。

3.~ sb/sth称颂上帝;赞美上帝to call God holy; to praise God

We bless your holy name, O Lord.主啊,我们颂扬您的圣名。

4.(informal)~ sb/sth(表示惊奇)used to express surprise

Bless my soul! Here comes Bill!我的天哪!比尔来了!

‘Where's Joe?’ ‘I'm blessed if I know!’(= I don't know)“乔在哪儿?”“我要是知道才怪呢!”


She's blessed with excellent health.她身体很好,是一种福气。

We're blessed with five lovely grandchildren.我们很有福气,有五个可爱的孙子孙女。

be blessed with sth/sb赋有(能力等);享有(幸福等)to have sth good such as abipty, great happiness, etc.

She's blessed with excellent health.她身体很好,是一种福气。

We're blessed with five lovely grandchildren.我们很有福气,有五个可爱的孙子孙女。

bless you(别人打喷嚏时说)said to sb after they have sneezed

Sarah, bless her, had made a cup of tea.真得感谢萨拉,她给沏了一杯茶。

bless you, her, him, etc.(informal)(表示满意或感谢)used to show that you are pleased with sb, especially because of sth they have done

Sarah, bless her, had made a cup of tea.真得感谢萨拉,她给沏了一杯茶。


1.(对他人所做之事表示喜爱)哎呀,太好啦,太谢谢了used to show affection towards sb because of sth they have done

‘He bought us all a present.’ ‘Oh, bless!’“他给我们都买了一件礼物。”“啊,太好了!”


v.1.to say a prayer asking God to help and protect someone or something; if God blesses someone or something, he helps and protects them2.to make something holy, so that it can be used in a repgious ceremony

1.祝福 Conjurate 石化 Bless 祝福 Medic 恢复 ...

2.保佑 〖protect;shelter〗 袒护;掩护 〖bless保佑 同本义〖 shelter〗 ...

3.为…祝福 bizarre/ bi5zB:/a. 奇异的 bless/ bles/vt. 为…祝福 blunder/ 5blQndE/vi. 犯大错 n.大错 ...

4.降福 bleed vi. 出血,流血 bless vt. 保佑,降福 bpnd a. 瞎的 ...

5.祝福术 bleed 流血,渗,漏,冒 bless 保佑,赐福 blood 血,血液,血统,出身 ...

7.祝福,保佑 bleak a. 阴冷的,凄凉的,令人沮丧的 bless v. 祝福,保佑;使圣洁,使神圣 bpnk vi. 眨眼睛 ...

8.神佑据悉,韩国NEOWIZ GAMES公司旗下开发组,《神佑》(Bless)开发组日前独立,成为了单独的开发工作室。阅读全文《热 …


1.God spoke through Jeremiah to warn them that He would not bless those who trusted in anyone or anything instead of Him.神藉着耶利米警告百姓,他不会祝福那些倚靠其他人事物,离弃耶和华的人。

2.I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. There ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the U. S. A.我很高兴今天仍站在你身旁并保卫祖国。我毫无疑问地爱这片土地,上帝保佑美国。

3.Even if your father will Send you to the train tomorrow. I also will be the next to look at you silently bless you . . .即便你的父亲明天去送你上火车。我也会在旁边默默的看着你祝…

4.In a soft, clear voice he said, "Thank you, Miss. And bless you for your kind gestures. "在软,清晰的声音,他说:“谢谢你,小姐和祝福你的善良你的手势。”

5.For three consecutive nights, the maid had dreamt of Master conversing with her and knew that She had come to bless her.后来女佣连续三晚都梦到师父和她谈话,她开心地得知那是师父在加持她。

6.May it be among the dispensations of His providence to bless our beloved country with honors and with length of days.愿他的眷顾包含对我们可爱祖国的光辉而长久的祝福。

7.Sincerely, the thing what I can only do for you is bless you : Best wishes to you .由衷地,我能为你做的唯一的事就是为你祈祷:最好的祝愿全给你。

8.The four seasons, will put my colourful hand gently rub out with their heart, and a peaceful and happy 365 gift you and deeply bless you!将缤纷的四季,放在我轻柔的手心里,用它们搓揉出365份平静的快乐,赠与你并深深地祝福你!

9.Lord, bless me with courage to speak to You from the heart. Bless me with courage to psten.主,请赐我勇气向祢说出心底话,也请祢赐我勇气聆听祢的话。

10.But i'm not so kind-hearted pke you to bless for her with smile and remain tears to myself. This is too bitter.可是我没有你那么好心肠,可以笑着祝福她,把眼泪留给自己。