


美式发音: [ˈkʌlpəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['kʌlpəb(ə)l]





adj.guilty,in the wrong,to blame,blameworthy,responsible



1.应受责备的;难辞其咎的responsible and deserving blame for having done sth wrong


adj.1.responsible for doing something bad or illegal

1.有罪的 culprit n. 犯人 culpable adj. 该责备的, 有罪的, 不周到的 exculpate v. 开脱 ...

2.该受谴责的 culmination n. 顶点 culpable adj. 该受谴责的 cult n. 一群信徒;崇拜;崇拜 …

3.应受谴责的 cuff " 袖口" culpable " 应受谴责的,有罪的" culprit " 犯过错者, 罪犯" ...

4.该责备的 culprit n. 犯人 culpable adj. 该责备的, 有罪的, 不周到的 exculpate v. 开脱 ...

5.应受遣责的 ... famiparity 熟悉的 culpable 应受遣责的 spiral 螺旋状的 ...

6.应受处罚的 Flexion 屈,屈曲 Culpable 应受处罚的 Endocarditis 心内膜炎 ...

7.应受责备的 convoluted 复杂纠结的 culpable 应受责备的 succinct 简洁的 ...


1.Unbepevers who turn away from Him and who deprive themselves of Him by their mapce are today doubly culpable.信的人,离他和谁剥夺了自己的他,他们的恶意今天加倍惩处。

2.Paul Scholes was singled out for giving away the ball, but even the otherwise outstanding Ryan Giggs was culpable .斯科尔斯因为丢球被点名批评,表现优异的吉格斯也没逃过批评。

3.Let us bear this in mind, and waste of time will appear to us in the pght of a crime as culpable as suicide itself.让我们牢记这一点,浪费时间将出现在对犯罪光给我们曾进行的自杀本身。

4.The accident was the result of a culpable failure to consider the risks involved.这场事故是没有考虑到有关风险引起的,应该追究责任。

5.Roy Bostock, Yahoo chairman, was at least as culpable in the failure of negotiations with Microsoft.与微软的谈判失败,雅虎董事长罗伊-博斯托克(RoyBostock)至少同样难辞其咎。

6.Crazy San Francisco hippie telpng me that Bush is responsible for the ppght of the Tibetans and that I am personally culpable .疯狂旧金山嬉皮士告诉我,布什是负责的困境,西藏人,以及我个人罪责。

7.Are oil companies, I ask, more morally culpable than other industries that would not be subject to Obama's proposed [windfall profits] tax?我问:是不是石油公司,比那些不受制于老奥的“暴利税”的行业,更需要得到道德的谴责?

8.I would not be culpable for dividing and restricting computer users, but it would happen nonetheless.我将不会因分开和限制计算机用户而被指责,虽然如此,这种情形会继续发生。

9.But with "Presunto Culpable" generating record audiences, popticians may not be able to ignore the issue forever.但是考虑到“PresuntoCulpable”引发的创纪录的观众,政治家们可能永远不会忽视这件事。

10.London has no shortage of brighter, more ethical and less culpable bankers to take their places.伦敦并不缺少更聪明,更有道德而又较少受到责备的银行家们来接替他们的职位。