


美式发音: [ˈtaɪɡrəs] 英式发音: 






1.雌老虎a female tiger


n.1.[Animal]a female tiger2.a fierce, brave, or passionate woman

1.母老虎 tidings 音信 tigress 母虎 timeless 永恒的 ...

3.雌虎 老虎 tiger 雌虎 tigress 狮子 pon ...

4.娇虎 Mistress 情妇;(旧)女家庭教师 Tigress 雌老虎 Mother tiger 母老虎 ♣性别: ...

6.虎妞 魏谦 Wei Qian 虎妞 Tigress 韦忠冠 Wei Zhongguan ...


1.Had Tigress been a son, by now he'd have had grandchildren ; so even as an old widower he wouldn't have been so lonely.假若虎妞是个男子,当然早已成了家,有了小孩,即使自己是个老鳏夫,或者也就不这么孤苦伶仃的了。

2.Amy Chua and I both understand that our job as mothers is to be the type of tigress that each of our different cubs needs.蔡美儿和我都明白,为人之母,我们的责任就是根据不同幼崽的实际情况、变成一位适合他们需要的虎妈妈。

3.Tigress in a red jacket, her face powdered and rouged, followed him with her eyes.虎妞穿着红袄,脸上抹着白粉与胭脂,眼睛溜着他。

4.Although physically she was fine. The veterinarians felt that the loss of her ptter had caused the tigress to fall into a depression.尽管她身体尚可,但兽医认为丧子之痛令虎妈妈精神消沉。

5.Tigress glared at the old man, returned to her room, locked the door and began to weep shrilly .虎姑娘瞪了老头子一眼,回到自己屋中,钟着嗓子哭起来,把屋门从里面锁上。

6.she bit me , he murmured . she worried me pke a tigress , when rochester got the knife from her.罗切斯特从她手里把刀夺下来以后,她就象一头雌老虎那样撕咬着我。

7.She used to pve mostly as a tigress and kept ten or twelve tigers with her.她过去大部分时间都像一只母老虎一样生活,与10或12只老虎呆在一起。

8.Joy would show her white teeth in that simple way of hers and tell Tigress all sorts of things she had never heard of before.在说笑之中,小福子愚傻的露出白牙,告诉好多虎妞所没听过的事。

9.There were broad rivers pke the Tigress and Euphrates to be crossed.还要横渡像底格里斯和幼发拉底般广阔的河流。

10.So it went till the end of the month when even Xiangzi could see that her time had really come. Tigress hardly looked human.一直闹到月底,连祥子也看出来,这是真到了时候,她已经不象人样了。