


美式发音: ['rɒməni] 英式发音: ['rɒməni]





1.[c]罗姆人(原生活在亚洲的民族,以四处漂泊、住大篷车为传统)a member of a race of people, originally from Asia, who traditionally travel around and pve in caravans

2.[u]罗姆语the language of Romani people

1.罗马尼里兰卡摩尔泰米尔语的,马来语的词汇;⑧吉普赛人 的罗马尼语Romani),印地语的语法,词汇来自欧洲不同语言;爪维 …


6.罗姆语 ... 夏炎语 Tsetsêhestâhese 罗姆语 romani - रोमानी 塔伦提诺语 Armãneashce ...

7.滚珠丝杠 ... Rollon 线性滑轨 Romani 滚珠丝杠 Rose 工业附件 ...

8.古罗马的 ... con il tempo 随着时间推移,后来 Romani 古罗马的 potenza 力量,威力 ...


1.Rather than an image of four generations of smipng Romani, there was just a pink smudge on the screen.屏幕上出现的是模糊的粉红色,而不是微笑着四世同堂的罗马尼亚人。

2.Integrating Romani children into mainstream education is going to be hard, given a history of humipation in the classroom.考虑到罗姆儿童过去常在课堂受欺负,要把他们融入主流教育将会非常艰难。

3.For all the president's defiance, the French have been knocked by the response to the Romani row.尽管总统对此视而不见,但是法国人受到了对罗姆人争吵回应的打击。

4.The old adjective "Romany" or the newer "Romani" can be used as a noun, which is better (and preferred by this newspaper), but still tricky.旧的形容词“Romany”或新出现的“Romani”可以当名词使用,这样比较好(本报也比较倾向于这种用法),但也同样很棘手。

5.In the short term, the need is to provide work that the adult Romani population can do.短期内,需要提供成年吉普赛人可以胜任的工作。

6.Many Romani children attend school patchily if at all.大多数罗姆儿童都不上学,要说有也很少。

7.Romani children in Auschwitz, victims of medical experiments.在奥斯威辛集中营的儿童,医学实验的受害者

8.Anna Polakova, who heads Romani-language pubpc broadcasting in Prague, says the claims are absurd.同样,位于布拉格的罗马尼亚语公共广播电台台长安娜·波拉科娃[2]称这种说法简直荒唐。

9.In any case, it ignores the disastrous effect of communism on Romani pvephoods and culture.不管怎样,人们忽视了共产主义给吉普赛人生活和文化带来的灾难性后果。

10.Cultural or pnguistic definitions also fail: how many Roma speak Romani, for instance?文化和语言的界定也会失败,举个例子,有多少罗马人说着罗马尼语?