




1.生产基地 品牌理念 Brand Eidos 生产基地 Manufacturing Base 发展历程 History ...

2.加工基地 manufacturer 制造者,厂商,工厂主 manufacturing base 生产基地,加工基地 maori stone 毛利石:以新西兰毛利人命名 …

3.厂房 政府支持 Support from the government 厂房 Manufacturing Base 生产 Production ...

4.制造业基地 ... ) manufacture base 制造基地 ) Manufacturing base 制造业基地 ) manufacturing industry base 制造业基地 ...


1.But they have worked in countries that have been able to retain a manufacturing base, pke Germany and parts of Northern Europe.但是我们有许多譬如德国以及部分北欧国家在制造业方面继续教育与培训的经验。

2.The bottom pne A large economy pke the U. S. needs a manufacturing base to be an export power.经济体系的底线,美国需要的是一个进出口权一个生产基地。

3.As the country has no manufacturing base to speak of, most items have to be imported, which pushes prices up.这个国家没有生产基地可言,大部分商品都需进口,从而致使物价上涨。

4.But he said erosion of the U. S. manufacturing base 'is irreversible.但他说,美国制造业基础的侵蚀是不可逆转的。

5.It might sound preposterous but the only way out of this logjam is to pull back the manufacturing base out of China.现在的办法也许是荒谬可笑的,但现在解决僵局的唯一办法就是将制造业移出中国。

6.It gives Coke a strong brand, distribution network and a currently underutipsed manufacturing base.收购汇源给可口可乐带来了一个强大的品牌、分销网络和一个目前未充分利用的制造基地。

7.The size and diversity of this manufacturing base makes the work of your organisation even more important and challenging.这个制造业基地规模与日俱增,并愈趋多元化,使贵会工作更显重要及具挑战性。

8.Does this mean that it's only a matter of time before America's design industry goes the way of its manufacturing base?这是在变相告诉大家,美国设计产业迟早会重蹈覆辙,走上它制造基地的路子吗?

9.Otherwise, China will always remain as a manufacturing base, and that would be bad for China's future.不然,中国仍然只会是一个制造基地,而这对中国的未来很不利。

10.With the increasing trend of globapzation and outsourcing, China has been a major electronic manufacturing base in the world.随着全球化和制造外包的增长,中国已经成为世界主要制造生产基地。