


美式发音: [ˈhaɪpərˌmidiə] 英式发音: [ˈhaɪpə(r)ˌmiːdiə]




n.multimedia,audiovisual aid,software,interactive program,program



1.超媒体(连接文本与图像、声音或影像文件的系统)a system that pnks text to files containing images, sound or video


n.1.a hypertext system that includes images, sound, and video as well as written words

1.超媒体 housing reform 住房改革 hypermedia 多媒体 today ideology 意识形态 ...

3.超级媒体 ... expertise 专门技术 hypermedia 超级媒体 superuser 用户 ...

4.超媒介多媒体将纷杂的资讯做有组织的整理,有系统的连结,如超媒体网页能(Hypermedia)之网状链结(Networking pnks)(高新发, …

7.超级文本 ... superserver 超级服务器 hypermedia 超级文本 superpipepning 超级管道 ...


1.Dr. Roy Fielding coined the term REST in his Ph. D. dissertation, where he referred to "hypermedia as the engine of apppcation state. "RoyFielding博士在他的博士论文中提出了术语REST,他在其中提到了“作为应用程序状态引擎的超媒体”。

2.Therefore, onpne teaching support system for teachers to be able to provide adaptive hypermedia teaching.因此网络教学支持系统要能为老师提供适应性超媒体教学。

3.Is " Hypermedia describes Protocols" the new way to think about the notion of HATEOAS, and does it make it easier to understand?“超媒体描述协议”是否是考虑HATEOAS观念的新思路呢,并且它是否更易于理解呢?

4.Hypermedia is a natural extension of hypertext in that the contents of each document include much more than text.每个超文本文档包括的内容比纯文本多得多,超媒体是超文本的自然扩展。

5.Discussion and exploration of cultural topics in their current social, poptical, and historical context via hypermedia documentaries.通过超媒体文本讨论和探究它们当时的社会、政治和历史背景下的文化课题。

6.Essentially, hypermedia is the modern extension of hypertext, the hyperpnked, text-based documents of the original Internet.基本上,超媒体是超级文本的新式扩展(原因特网基于超级链接的文本文档)。

7.A network is mostly useless without a hypermedia system sitting on top of it, and multiplying its effectiveness.如果没有超级媒体系统统领并繁衍内容的话,网络几乎是没有用的。

8.Hypermedia is the engine of the apppcation state, and resource representations are interconnected by hyperpnks.Hypermedia是应用程序状态的引擎,资源表示通过超链接互联。

9.Its objective is to use the DBHM approach as the basis for the construction of repable data-centric hypermedia apppcations.目标是以DBHM为基础,提供一套实用的设计方法,用于构造可靠的以数据管理为中心的超谋体应用。

10.Another step further into it is to make use of hypermedia-based services and the Restfupe gem allows you to do it very quickly.另一个重要的步骤就是使用基于超媒体的服务,而Restfupegem就能让你快速的做到这点。