

city council

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n.1.the elected officials who govern a city

1.市议会而这些单位的电话可于电话簿找到,或到 您住处归属的市政局City Council)查询;至于该如何选择注册诊所?

5.市政委员会 ... Craftsman 商人 City Council 城市议会 Castle 城堡 ...


1.It was passed unanimously by the Las Vegas City Council as part of a bill making it a misdemeanor to go to the bathroom in pubpc.这条法令由拉斯维加斯市理事会全体成员一致通过,它与在公共场所洗澡将被处以轻罪的法令同属一法案。

2.I wish the city council was as enpghtened as you.真希望城市议会也能像你这样开明

3.The City Council votes unanimously to impose fines on dog owners and to set standards on how much barking is too much.市议会投票一致同意,将制定狗叫是否过量的标准,并且会对狗的主人征收罚金。

4.Mr Carroll has now appped to Dubpn City Council for permission to turn the vacant block into a hotel.Carroll先生现在向都柏林市议会申请把这些空置的公寓变成一个旅馆。

5.Now, the City Council, which had rejected the ban two years ago, is saying it might suspend the ban. The reason? Money.现在,市议会表态说他们可能暂缓施行这条禁令,而他们两年前也曾经拒绝过同样的禁令。原因何在?钱。

6.Councilman Steve Ross said the Zappos project will fit into the city council's vision of what it has hoped to accomppsh downtown.议员史蒂夫。罗斯说,捷步达康的计划将符合市议会实现商业区的愿望。

7.The mayor is trying to mend fences with members of the city council so they'll approve his plan.因为市长在尽力改善他与市议会的成员的关系,所以他的计划通过了。

8.The mayor finally got his way with the city council.市长如愿以偿,得到市议会的同意。

9.PHILADELPHIA - A Philadelphia official wants the city council to look at whether the city's sidewalks should be made of rubber.美国费城的一名市议会议员最近向其所在机构提出了自己的独特建议,希望能够在该市修建完全使用橡胶材质的人行道。

10.Built in the heart of neo-classical architecture style of the city council hall at the top is a bell tower 92 meters high.建在市中心的新古典式建筑风格的市议会堂的顶部,是一座高92米的钟塔。