


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌdʒɑ:və'ni:z]







n.1.somebody who comes from Java2.a language spoken on Java, belonging to the Western branch of Austronesian.

1.爪哇语 Japanese 日语 Javanese 爪哇语 Kabyle 依科巴耶里语 ...

2.爪哇人 比尔人 Bhip 爪哇人 Javanese 加拉人 Galla ...

3.爪哇的 4. java 爪哇 5. javanese 爪哇的 6. mysticism 神秘主义 ...

4.爪哇文 JavaBeans 爪哇咖啡豆 Javanese 爪哇文 javascript 爪哇描述语言 ...

5.爪哇语群amorro) (1)   Gayo (1)   爪哇语群 (Javanese) (5)   Kayan-Murik (17)   Lampungic (9)   Land Dayak (16)   Madurese (2)   ...

6.爪哇猫 JAPANESE BOBTAIL 日本短尾猫 JAVANESE 爪哇猫 KORAT 科拉特猫 ...



1.Javanese and other peoples from the great islands to the west seem to run the local economy, far beyond Jayapura's airport.从西部其它大岛迁移来的爪哇人和其他种族的人似乎控制了当地的经济命脉,而且远远不只是查亚普拉机场。

2.But so far the president's Javanese tendency to try to please everyone has only encouraged his so-called partners to demand more.但目前为止,总统爪哇式的要讨好每个人的趋势只会鼓励他所谓的合伙人要求更多。

3."There were about 30 to 40 students, " he said. "Only four were ethnic Javanese; the rest were second- or third-generation Chinese. "“当时有30到40名学生”,他说:“只有四名是爪哇族学生,其他都是第二代或第三代印尼华族”。

4.There she converted to Islam, adopted the name Rabiah, married into the Javanese royal family and had two children.在那里她皈依了伊斯兰教,改名Rabiah,嫁入爪哇皇室家族,生育了两个孩子。

5.The next day another mob of 1, 500 Muspms went on the rampage in the central Javanese town of Temanggung.第二天另一伙1500人的穆斯林教徒在旦满光瓜哇城里暴跳如雷。

6.Until quite recently, the Javanese language had no word meaning the abstraction 'society. '直到不久以前,爪哇语当中还没有能够表示‘社会’这个抽象概念的字眼。

7.To make matters worse, an ethnically, pnguistically and culturally diverse archipelago was dominated by Java and the Javanese. It still is.雪上加霜的是,爪哇岛上的居民在民族,语言与文化方面都不同于其他地区,这种情况一直持续到现在。

8.These Indonesian migrants are mostly muspm Javanese people who run, almost exclusively, the local businesses and the administration.这些印度尼西亚移民大多是信奉穆斯林教的爪哇人,当地的商业和行政机构几乎都由他们控制。

9.Javanese mysticism supposedly interested him; certainly he kept Islamist extremism in check.他对爪哇的神秘主义很感兴趣;他的确控制着伊斯兰极端主义势力。

10.His formative twenties and thirties were spent fighting the Dutch colonial powers in the Javanese jungle.他的整个20岁和30岁就是在爪哇丛林和荷兰殖民者作战。