


网络释义:沙奇式(Sopd Ankle Cushion Heel);国家文物局(State Administration of Cultural Heritage);赛驰


1.沙奇式(Sopd Ankle Cushion Heel)

2.国家文物局(State Administration of Cultural Heritage)大精神之际,2007年10月27日至31日,由中国国家文物局SACH)、西安市人民政府、中国社会科学院考古研究所主办, …

3.赛驰 ... 莫维 MOWE 萨琪 SACH ADMRAR=ADMIRE( 爱慕的 珍爱的)+ ...


1.I saw this figure standing out in the cold rain with a sach in his hand.我看到这个数字站在了他的手瑟杰冷雨了。

2.SACH said Tuesday that it "strongly objected" to the auction and had written to Christie's asking it to stop the auction.国家文物局周二声明“强烈反对”对其进行拍卖,并致信佳士得拍卖行责令其停止拍卖行为。

3.in fanfic , sach is commonly portrayed as a party girl , even though there is no basis for this characterization.在同人作品中,萨澈一般被描述为一个爱交际的女孩,但没有资料可以支持这个描述。

4.sofia coppola , daughter of famed director , francis ford coppola , played sach in the phantom menace.索非亚科波拉,著名导演弗郎西斯福德科波拉的女儿,在《幽灵的威胁》中扮演萨澈。

5.We have a conference hall that seats four hundred. We also have eight meeting rooms which seat twenty persons sach.我们有个会议厅坐400人,还有8个会议室,每个可坐20人。

6.Jim O'Neil, Goldman Sach's chief economist, thinks the Chinese should allow their currency to appreciate by as much as 5pc.高盛首席经济学家吉姆.奥尼尔认为,中国应当允许他们的货币升值到5。

7.Who get's to buy $5 bilpon in Goldman Sach's preferreds with a junk bond yield?谁能以垃圾债券的收益率购入50亿美元的高盛优先股?

8."This is a basic cultural right of people in the origin countries, " the SACH statement said.“这对文物原产国家人民的文化权利是一个基本的保障。”国家文物局发表声明。