




1.我心深处 33. Words and Music《 锦绣云裳》 34. Deep in My Heart我心深处》 35. Neptune's Daughter《 海王 …

2.深埋在我心中 ... 07 I Will Still Love You 我会依然爱你 08 Deep In My Heart 深埋在我心中 09 Thinkin' About You 好想好想你 ...

3.吾心深处 莫洛凯岛:戴梅恩神父的故事 Molokai:The Story of Father Damien 吾心深处 Deep in My Heart 吸血小英雄 The Little Vampire ...

4.在我心深处 FOR LONELINESS 为孤独 DEEP IN MY HEART 在我心深处 PINK 粉色 ...

5.在我内心深处 ... To act so selfishly 显得如此自私 Deep in my heart 在我内心深处 I share each day with you 天天与你分享 ...

6.大爱无言 Death Zone 地域无门 Deep in My Heart 大爱无言 Decrepit Dream 残梦 ...

7.深藏我心 ... Yes it's really meant to be( 是的一切都意味于此) Deep in my heart深藏我心) ...


1.I had not considered how I could thank him, my gratitude lying too deep in my heart for that.我早先并没考虑过应该怎样感谢他,因为我那感恩之情,有如刻骨铭心,很难表达于万一。

2.Come by how much years, you deep in my heart.走过了多少年,一直埋在心间。

3.We recognize that long, but you have deep in my heart stay, and I do not want to have again moved into the next room my heart.我们认识那么久,但你在我心里留下深刻的,我不希望再次到隔壁房间我的心感动。

4.Sitting around the fire with friends beside me created a feepng of warmth deep in my heart.和朋友们一起围坐在炉火边,我的内心深处产生了一种温暖的感觉。

5.And that smile, to be buried deep in my heart of a raging river.而那个笑容,就成为我心中深深埋藏的一条湍急河流。

6.Everytime when I think of Energy, there will always be a sensation of no name deep in my heart. She has a beautiful face and a sexy stature!每次想起安那鸡,心中就有一种莫名的感动。她有着美丽的面孔和性感的身材!

7.The resentment and passiveness deep in my heart disappeared, and I could once again concentrate myself on studies.我彻底消除了积在心中的怨恨,摆脱了消极情绪,我可以专心致志的学习了。

8.He tied to make me bepeve in him, so I would open up and tell hire something deep in my heart.他捆绑,使我相信他,所以我会打开并告诉聘请一些深在我心中。

9.Even though I still feel pain deep in my heart about Mom's death, I found comfort knowing that Mom is in a better place now.虽然在我的心中仍然会为我母亲的离开而感到锥心之痛,然而得知母亲现在在更好的地方,令我稍感慰藉。

10.I peep my future through the tiny hole deep in my heart, I am totally shocked by the amazing beauty of it.每一次,当我从内心深处窥探我的未来时,都会被其魅力深深震撼。