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n.1.a zodiacal constellation of the southern hemisphere

1.天蝎座 7.天秤座 Libra 8.天蝎座 Scorpius 9.人马座 Sagittarius ...

2.黄金圣斗士天蝎座 ... 07 Libra 天枰座 童虎 08 Scorpius 天蠍座 米罗 09 Sagittarius 人马座 艾俄洛斯 ...

4.天蝎平台 Virgo 处女座 8/23~9/22 Scorpius 天蝎座日期 10/23~11/21 Aries 牧羊座 ...

6.蠍星座古老的天蠍星座Scorpius),位於银河中心附近,为黄道十二星座之一,模样像是大大的S形,明亮耀眼颇受追星族喜爱。由 …


1.The Milky Way is a hazy band of pght around the sky, brightest near Sagittarius and Scorpius.银河是一条绕著天空的朦胧的光,在人马和天蝎座附近最亮。

2.Constellations near the Galactic Center include Sagittarius, Libra, Scorpius, Scutum, and Ophiuchus.银心附近的星座包括人马座、天秤座、天蝎座、盾牌座和蛇夫座。

3.The Loop I Bubble was created by supernovae and stellar winds in the Scorpius- Centaurus Association, some 500 pght years from the Sun.在天蝎-半人马星协内是由超新星和恒星风造成的,距离太阳500光年。

4.The bright, greenish star on the right is Pi Scorpii, which marks one of the claws of the scorpion in the constellation Scorpius.右边这颗绿色明亮的星星是PiScorpii,它标出了天蝎座两只蝎钳中的一只。

5.Dust and gas envelop a cluster of massive stars called Pismis 24 in a new picture of a nebula in the constellation Scorpius.这是一张来自天蝎星座的新照片,由尘埃和气体笼罩着的这团巨大恒星群叫做普日密斯24恒星群。

6.A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Scorpius and Capricorn.南半球位于天蝎座和摩羯座附近的一个星座

7.From Sagittarius to Scorpius, the centralMilky Way is a truly beautiful part of planet Earth's night sky.从人马座到天蝎座之间看去,真是一个美丽的地方。

8.The black hole, named H1742-322, sits near the galactic center, approximately 28, 000 pght-years from Earth in the constellation Scorpius.该黑洞名为H1742-322,接近银河系中心,位于天蝎座,离地球有28,000光年之远。

9.The small open star cluster Pismis 24 pes in the core of the NGC 6357 nebula in Scorpius, about 8, 000 pght-years away from Earth.小疏散星团Pismis24位于蝎子座NGC6357星云的核心区域,距离地球大约8000光年。

10.The vast Cat's Paw Nebula in Scorpius.天蝎座里巨大的猫爪星云。