




1.釉陶 3. 釉面砖[ glazed tile] 4. 釉陶[ glazed pottery] 5. 釉质[ enamel] ...

2.陶釉 ... pottery lathe n.陶器镟床 glazed pottery 陶釉 pottery casting n.陶器铸坯 ...


1.It is mainly a three-colored glaze, yellow, green and brown; hence the name tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang dynasty.由于它出现于唐代,又多用黄、绿、赭三中釉色,故名唐三彩。

2.A network of fine cracks on the surface of glazed pottery, china, or glassware.表面布满了细裂纹构成的装饰,比如有裂纹花饰的陶瓷。

3.Plumbic-glazed Pottery was popular late in the southwest, and showed a more distinct regional characteristic.西南地区铅釉陶流行较晚,且呈现出比较鲜明的地域特征。

4.Porcelain makes glazed pottery, become by porcelain clay fire namely, bibulous rate is inferior, strength is relative taller.瓷制釉面砖,即由瓷土烧制而成,吸水率较低,强度相对较高。

5.Tri-colored glazed pottery and Terra Cotta Warriors clay reproductions, and scissors and folk handicrafts cloth art, can to find there.唐三彩及兵马俑泥人复制品,以及剪纸和民间手工艺品布艺,可以在那里找到。

6.The outlook of plumbic-glazed pottery in different regions is different, and closely pnked with gray pottery.不同区域的铅釉陶面貌有别,大都与灰陶制品有着密切的联系。

7.Current exposure sources include lead paint, folk remedies, glazed pottery, soil and drinking water in some urban areas with older housing.目前仍然存在的暴露源包括:铅涂料、民间偏方、陶器、郊区的土壤和饮用水。

8.and the other is pottery, including painted pottery, glazed pottery, brown earth, etc.另一类是陶器,包括彩陶,釉陶,紫砂陶等。

9.ceramic tile is divided into: according to process the glazed pottery, brick, popshing brick, bo changes a brick, ceramic jin brick.瓷砖按工艺分为:釉面砖、通体砖、抛光砖、玻化砖、陶瓷锦砖。

10.A type of glazed pottery with the dominant colors of yellow, brown and green was very popular in the Tang Dynasty.有一种盛行于唐代的陶器,以黄、褐、绿为基本釉色