




1.远航 远海[ outer ocean area] 远航[ long voyage] 远话[ strange words] ...

2.长航程 long turn elbow 大弯曲半径弯管 long voyage 长航程 long walk bridge 长步桥 ...

3.远距离航海 [outer ocean area] 离岸很远的海域;海洋的纵深 [long voyage] 远距离航海 [strange words] 冷淡不亲近的话;见外的话 ...


1.To keep up his spirits, the sailor was voluntary to go on a very long voyage. The matter was decided by vote.为了振作精神,海员自愿长途航行,这得由投票决定。

2.Five weeks later, after almost being thrown overboard by his own crew, the long voyage would come to an end when land was sighted.五个星期后,他去几乎被自己的船员抛弃,在他们看到陆地时才结束了他们漫长的旅途。

3.When he was young, he took a year-long voyage in China.当他年轻时,曾在中国游历一年。

4.He was an orphan, he had no family, and he was on his first long voyage at sea.他是孤儿,没有家人,这是他首次出海远航。

5.We are fitting out a new ocean pner with up-to-date equipment for a long voyage.我们正为一艘新的远洋客轮装配最新设备准备远航。

6.The ship is not in a condition to make a long voyage.此船的情况不宜作长途航行。

7.One summer he came back from a long voyage and found new neighbours near his mother's house.经过一段遥远的航行后他在一个夏天返回了英国,发现他母亲家旁边搬来了新邻居。

8.But it seems that we have not discovered that the sexual energy itself leads us to the inner sea of love through a long voyage.但是我们似乎从来不了解最后旅行达到内在爱之海的就是性能量本身。

9.No disease manifested itself during the long voyage.在这次远途航行中没有发生任何疾痛。

10.The ship is in no condition to make a long voyage.此船的现状不适宜远航。