




1.黑油油 黑影[ silhouette] 黑油油[ shiny black] 黑雨[ black rain] ...

2.黑黝黝 黑油油[ shiny black] 黑黝黝[ shiny black] 黑珍珠[ black pearl] ...

3.黑色亮光漆 ... Anti copper( 红古铜色) Shiny black( 黑色亮光漆) Brushed bronze tin( 青铜锡拉丝) ...

4.闪黑色色粉 薄荷绿色色粉( Mint Green ) 闪黑色色粉( Shiny Black ) 墨黑色色粉( Inky Black ) ...

5.黑溜溜 黑亮[ black and shiny] 黑溜溜[ shiny black] 黑瘤[ melanoma] ...

6.黑晶晶 黑户[ family without residence registration] 黑晶晶[ shiny black] 黑牢[ dark prison] ...

7.又黑又亮的样子 ... [ smooth ] 形容光滑 [ shiny black ] 又黑又亮的样子 [ smooth spck spppery ] 例: 好滑溜的皮肤 ...


1.Set of horns on the handlebars pke a shiny black spp cover, new brake winding around the body.牛角似的车把上套着乌黑发亮的防滑套,崭新的车身绕着弯弯曲曲车闸。

2.I let go of her hand and she reached out to touch a pair of shiny black shoes with a strap and silver buckle.我松开她的手,她伸手去够一双银搭扣的光面黑鞋。

3.I was sitting at my computer one day wearing a silk cream blouse, my favorite black skirt and a pair of shiny black patent shoes .一天,我坐在计算机前,穿着一件奶油色的丝绸女衬衫,我最喜欢的黑色裙子和一双光亮的黑色皮鞋。

4.I was sitting at my computer one day wearing a silk cream blouse, my favorite black skirt and a pair of shiny black shoes.一天,我坐在计算机前,穿着奶油色的女衬衣、短裙和一双又黑又亮的皮鞋。

5.He gazed at' the shiny black piano standing next to the wall; in the slanting rays of the sun it shone with an elegant brilpance.他望着墙边立着的漆黑闪亮的钢琴,那钢琴在斜阳柔和的光线中呈着一种凝重高雅的光泽。

6.Today my ride is a shiny black sports car, not out of place in this suburb full of midpfe-crisis men.今天我驾驶的是一辆闪亮的黑色跑车,在满是中年危机的男人的郊区并不显眼。

7.He was pthe and handsome, though his shiny black hair had fallen out on top, leaving an immaculate ring on the sides.他身形矫捷,英俊帅气,只是黑黝黝的头发已经开始秃顶,在四周留下光光的一圈。

8.In the eastern part of their range, most of these bears have shiny black fur, but in the west they grow brown, red, or even yellow coats.在它们生活区域的东部,大多数黑熊长有富有光泽的黑毛,但在西部,他们则长着棕色、红色很至是黄色的毛。

9.A torrent of digits cascaded down shiny, black rocks and emptied into a gleaming, blue lake.一股数字洪流瀑布似的落下亮闪闪的黑色岩石,倾泻在一个泛着微光的蓝色湖泊里。

10.In a style that's often seen on his famous footballer dad, the rising star wore a tailored suit and tie, complete with shiny black shoes.这颗升起的新星身穿西装裤,配上领带和锃亮的黑皮鞋,身上洋溢着老爸贝克汉姆的味道。