




1.薰 Kaoru Watanabe 渡边香 Kaoru Kaoru Yanagisawa 柳泽薰 ...

2.薰空 ... 05 南十字星 Southern Cross 03:54 06 薰空 Kaoru 05:39 07 玉碎 Broken Jade 05:43 ...

3.小薰 Kaori Yoshinobu 吉信香织 Kaoru Kaoru Aoki 青木熏 ...

6.薰曨 德国 Boy☆ 薰曨 Kaoru 云兮(只有腿漂亮?!) Sin ...


1.Yukawa's partner is a rookie cop, Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Kou), a hot-blooded woman with a strong sense of justice.汤川的合作伙伴是一个新人警察,内海薰(柴口),一个热血女性具有强烈的正义感。

2.Kaoru Yosano, the new finance minister, said yesterday that it was being considered among measures.日本新任财务大臣与谢野馨(KaoruYosano)周二表示,这是日本政府正在考虑的举措之一。

3."This is the biggest economic crisis since the war, " said Kaoru Yosano, minister for economic and fiscal popcy.日本经济财政政策大臣与谢野馨(KaoruYosano)表示:“这是战后最大的一次经济危机。”

4."Japan's economy is expected to remain weak for the time being, " said Japanese Economics Minister Kaoru Yosano on Thursday.“日本的经济暂时会疲软一阵子”,日本财政大臣谢野馨星期四的讲话提到。

5.With the chief exception of Kaoru Yosano, a fiscal conservative reinstated as economy minister, the cabinet talent is astonishingly thin.现任内阁的主要成员中只有著名的保守派担任经济财政大臣的与谢野馨继续留任,新内阁的班底显得特别的单薄。

6.'The Japanese people should welcome our neighbor, China's growth, ' said Kaoru Yosano, Minister of State For Economy and Fiscal Popcy.经济财政大臣与谢野馨(KaoruYosano)说,日本人民应该对我们的邻居、中国的增长表示欢迎;

7.Numerous springs, mainly in spring, Wan Baoquan, Kaoru and good interest springs, octagonal Bay, which were derived from the rocks.涌泉多不胜数,主要有薰冶泉、万宝泉、善息泉、八角湾等,此皆源出于山石中。

8."He's been leading the troops at headquarters, " company spokesman Kaoru Yoshida said.公司发言人KaoruYoshida说:“他在总部领军奋战。”

9.Kaoru very Kan Buguan initially, but soon she would pke on this special adults.起初薰非常看不惯,但很快她就喜欢上了这个与众不同的大人。

10.Investors ignored comments from Kaoru Yosano, finance minister, that he was considering support measures such as buying shares.日本财务大臣与谢野馨(KaoruYosano)表示,正在考虑购买股票等托市措施,但投资者未予理会。