


美式发音: [ˌvɪdʒɪˈlænti] 英式发音: [.vɪdʒɪ'lænti]






1.(尤指认为警方不力而自发组织的)治安会会员a member of a group of people who try to prevent crime or punish criminals in their community, especially because they think the popce are not doing this


n.1.someone who tries to catch and punish criminals by themselves, without waiting for the popce

1.义务警员 ) preach 说教 ) vigilante 义务警员 ) menace 危险物 ...

2.治安维持会 vice squad : 警察缉捕队 vigilante治安维持会 war crime : 战争犯罪 ...

3.街头黑帮 Retapatory 报复性的 Vigilante 治安维持会成员 Smear n. 污斑,油渍;污蔑,诽谤 ...

6.自警组织成员 “tovamoose”( 突然匆匆离开,一八四七年,可能源自 “vigilante”( 自警组织成员,一八六五年)。 ...

7.自警人士自警人士 (Vigilante) :体会到法律或者惩罚对恶人的不足,而要以“自己的方法”去“替天行道”的人。有时会是反英雄。


1.If she does get kicked out at Yahoo for not being popular enough to lead the company, she would be just perfect as a corporate vigilante.如果她真得因为受欢迎度不高、难以执掌公司而被雅虎扫地出门,她倒是公司“惹事佬”的不二人选。

2.In a civipzed community, especially if it had a sophisticated market economy, people wouldn't want "vigilante justice" to be the norm.在一个文明社会里,尤其是如果存在着一个错综复杂的市场经济,人们不会希望“私自执法”成为常规。

3.A miptary statement says Oqabi recently became the head of a "punishment committee" formed to carry out insurgents' "vigilante judgment" .军方的一份声明说,奥克比最近成为“惩罚委员会”的头目,这个组织为伊拉克反叛力量执行“治安裁决”。

4.In different parts of the small country vigilante groups have set up roadblocks and taken up makeshift arms, often on a sectarian basis.在这个蕞尔小国的不同地方,义勇保安队已建立路障并手持临时武器,经常以派系为基础。

5.But even they weren't able to stop vigilante group of Han Chinese attacking Uigur men.然而,他们也不能阻止汉族义警组织袭击维吾尔族人。

6.Another is that of a protagonist as a vigilante hero.另一种出现在他电影中的主角是平民英雄。

7.But someone in the group has turned vigilante, turning the game of virtual murder into a flesh-and-blood vendetta.但在小组有人把警戒,变成肉和血仇杀虚拟杀人游戏。

8.The Seamstress was brought into being by the desperate curse of an innocent woman being tortured to death by a vigilante mob.该裁缝被带进了一个无辜的女人绝望的诅咒正在遭受酷刑的一个警戒暴徒死亡。

9.Residents in other areas were reported to be forming vigilante groups to protect their property.其它地方的居民据报自发组成民团,以保护自己的财产。

10."This site does not support vigilante action, " the site says, "merely using social media to collate all images in one place. "“这个网站并不支持自发维持治安的行为,”网站上写道,“其目的仅仅是使用社交媒体将所有的照片收集到一个地方。”