




1.国境之南室内餐厅是一家国境之南South-of-the-Border)主题的餐厅,您可以在此享受带有墨西哥风情的加州菜肴。 步程之内还有另 …


1.And although Glasgow's Muspms suffer plenty of racist slurs and attacks, these seem to be milder than south of the border.尽管苏格兰的穆斯林也遭受了诸多种族诽谤和攻击,但终究要好过南部的英格兰。

2.His books frequently talk about jazz and one novel, South of the Border, West of the Sun, is about an owner of a jazz bar.他的书经常谈到爵士乐和一本叫做《国境之南,太阳之西》的有关一个爵士乐酒巴老板的小说。

3.It appeals as well to students who want an American education but fear that they would be unwelcome south of the border.其还吸引了那些想要美国教育却害怕在美国不受欢迎的学生。

4.Here in Houston, Chris Hill works with the Mexico Real Estate Coaption to help promote property purchases south of the border.在休斯敦,克里斯.希尔与墨西哥房地产开发商联盟公司合作,帮助他们促销房产。

5.If that was meant to console anyone south of the border, it doesn't seem to have worked.如果这番话是为了稳定双方边界的南部局势,它似乎没有起到任何作用。

6.When Richard Nixon was U. S. Vice President, he is reported to have greeted a crowd south of the border with a double "A-Okay" .在尼克松担任美国副总统期间,据报道,他向一群美国边境以南国家的人们致意时两手都做出“Okay”的手势。

7.So, I wonder, what attracted him to the competing issues at stake in South of the Border and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps?这激起了我的好奇心,又是什么让他拍成了《国境以南》和《华尔街:金钱永不沉睡》呢?

8.Chipotle Mexican Grill was the king of the south-of-the-border inspired chains, while Yum's Taco Bell ranked second to last.多墨西哥餐厅是南美风格连锁快餐的王者,而大牌塔可钟却排名倒数第二。

9.Mr Reid was impressed by how the trust's counterpart south of the border had given local managers more autonomy.南方边境上的国民信托,是如何给当地经理人更多自治权的,Reid印象深刻。

10.If his progress continues, it remains to be seen whether Aberdeen could shun any big bids from south of the border.如果他继续进步,阿伯丁队是否能挡住从国境之南来的大手笔出价还有待观察。